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Wynonna hungrily ate her burger whilst Doc just watched. He took a sip of his beer and shook his head. "I have not seen you eat like that before."

"You haven't seen me when I've been so fucking hungry." Wynonna said with a mouth full of food.

Alice laughed and sat back in the booth, looking at her birth Mother. This was the person who was supposed to raise her. Teach her things. Her life would've been so much different.

"What you thinking about kid?" Wynonna asked as she took a big gulp of beer.

"My life would've been so much different if you had raised me. I wouldn't have an English accent. I wouldn't be in a town full of fairytale characters."

"You would've spent your time learning to shoot, learning to fish and learning how to ride a horse with your Dad. The most famous outlaw of Purgatory. When you got older you would've watched me put down Demons so you'd know what to do when your time comes."

"I would've taught you how to manage the bar if that's what you'd rather do with your time." Waverly spoke up. "We'd be the cool aunts. Right babe?" She asked looking up at Nicole.

"That's right baby." Nicole smiled as she kissed her wifes forhead. "You would've helped me plan cute dates for Waves and when you were a kid I would've used that cutness to my advantage to get Waves do whatever I want."

"That would work because I'm a sucker for kids."

"Really? Does this mean...You wanna have kids?"

"Of course. Do you?"

"Only with you."

"You'd be a hot Mom." Waverly smiled.

"You'd be an even hotter Mom...So hot." Nicole replied.

Everyone turned away as the couple began to kiss kind of intimately.

"Anyways. I would've taught you all the science stuff." Jeremy said. "The boring stuff I know...But-"

"It doesn't sound boring." Alice cut him off. "It sounds brilliant! The only thing out all of that, that I know how to do is fish and ride a horse."

"Maybe we could teach you the other things then?" Wynonna asked with a shrug of her shoulders. "We'd have to ask your parents first."

Alice's face dropped. "You and Doc are my parents."

"Yes, but we didn't raise you. Killian and Emma are your parents. Your real ones. Doesn't matter about blood and DNA. Whoever raised you and was there for you growing up...They're your parents. We are also your parents but we have no authority over you."

"Actually." Dolls spoke up. "Legally you're her parents and you do have authority over her. Emma and Killian can't do shit if you decide to spend time with her and they don't like it. Hell, you could even claim they kidnapped her if you wanted to. The case would swing your way one hundred percent."

"We're not doing that Dolls. We'll ask Emma and Killian."

"You ain't taking my child anywhere." Emma stumbled into the diner. Killian and Regina close behind.

"Emma, let's go home. You're drunk." Regina said trying to get her to turn around.

"She's my daughter and she's staying here."

"We know that, we just wanna get to know her." Wynonna said calmly.

"No!" Emma growled, slamming her hands on the table. "You don't have the right."

"They have every right!!! They're my birth family. They have the true legal documents. Just...Just let me get to know them. Please." Alice begged.

"No! They will you away or you'll want them more than us." Emma replied sadly.

"STOP BEING SO SELFISH!!!! I hate you!!!" Alice shouted before she threw herself into Doc who sat next to her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her.

He gave Killian an apologetic look and Killian shook his head, telling him it was okay.

"You hate me? Then get out of this town with your 'family' and don't you ever come back. You made your choice. I've made mine."

Emma turned around, shrugging off both Killian and Regina's hand as they both tried to reach out for her.

Once Emma had left, the diner lights suddenly turned off.

"Emma?!" Regina shouted as she ran out of the diner. "EMMA!!"

Everyone ran as fast as they could when they heard Regina scream.

"Bulshar!!" Wynonna growled as she grabbed Peacemaker and aimed it at his head.

He had his arm tightly around Emma's neck. A smirk on his face. "Shoot me, I kill her."

"Mum!" Alice shouted as tears filled her eyes.

"Let her go Bulshar." Gold said as he walked towards them. "I gave you what you wanted in order to keep them safe."

"Yes you did but now look. The deal has been broken so now...A life for a life."

He pushed Emma away, only to push his hand into her back and pull her heart out.

He looked to the distraught family and shrugged his shoulders. "A life for a life to keep the balance." He squeezed hard, an evil smile on his face as Emma cried in pain as her heart was slowly crushed.

"NO!" Killian and Regina shouted at the same time. Regina felt her knees become weak, Killian caught her just as she was about to fall. They both slowly sunk to their knees as tears rolled down their cheeks.

"You bastard." Wynonna growled shooting Bulshar but Peacemaker didn't work.

Bulshar laughed. With one swift movement of his hand, Wynonna went flying into a wall, Peacemaker landed in front of Alice.

"Wynonna!!" Waverly shouted.

Alice's blood boiled as tears streamed down her face. Without hesitation she grabbed Peacemaker and aimed it at Bulshar's head and pulled the trigger.

He turned to look at Alice in shock before the ground opened up underneath him and he was taken back to where he belonged...Hell.

Alice threw Peacemaker to the side and ran towards Emma. She fell to her knees beside her Mother. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so so so sorry. I don't hate you. I love you. I love you so much." Alice cried as she leaned down and kissed Emma's forhead.

A bright light surrounded them, Alice looked up to see Waverly stood next to them, beautiful white wings spread out behind her. Waverly gave Alice a gentle smile before she wrapped her wings around both Alice and Emma. When she moved her wings, a bright pink light appeared on Emma's chest.

"I love you too." Emma said as she sat up quickly.

"Mum!!" Alice grinned throwing her arms around Emma. "You're alive! I'm so sorry. I love you. I don't hate you."

"I know. I love you too Alice. More than life itself."

Alice - Once Upon A Time X Wynonna EarpWhere stories live. Discover now