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Wynonna, Emma, Killian, Doc and Regina, who had been called by a sobbing Emma, were sat down in a booth with Alice. Granny had closed the diner, allowing them to have some privacy.

"I don't have to tell you to watch your language do I?" Killian asked giving his daughter a small smile. "Come on love. What do you mean by you knew?"

Alice looked up into her birth Mothers eyes. She saw so much pain and hurt in them. Probably due to the fact that she had been taken from them and they've spent the last eighteen years looking for her.

"I just had a feeling."

"Oh god, she has an English accent. How cute." Waverly squealed quietly from the other end of Granny's.

"Baby." Nicole said, giving her wife a 'really' look.

"Oops. Sorry."

"A feeling?" Emma asked wiping her eyes. "What feeling?"

"I just had a gut feeling that I wasn't meant to be here. Something didn't feel right. My feelings were cemented when I couldn't use my anger to light the bloody candle. I have no magic."

"Oh baby girl." Wynonna said smirking as she placed her gun on the table. "You have more magic than you could ever know. It may not be super powers or whatever the hell these people have...But when I'm long gone. You'll be the Earp heir and you'll be the one sending demons back to where they belong with this sexy gun called Peacemaker."

"How the bloody hell is she gonna be an Earp heir when she's a Jones. She's not an Earp. She's not yours."

"Oh but she is. She was wrongfully taken from me not once, but twice. I didn't wanna send her to my Aunt Gus but Bulshar gave us no choice. When it was safe, you were going to come back home."

"We raised her." Regina spoke up. "We fed her. Bathed her. Clothed her. Soothed every feaver. Been there through every milestone. You may have birthed her, but that's the only way you'll ever be her Mother."

"I hate to butt in here." Doc spoke. "But we should all be focusing our attention to the one that caused all of this."

"Bulshar?" Wynonna asked confused.

"No, the man I enjoyed punching. Mr Gold."

"I'm gonna kill the bastard." Wynonna slid out of the booth, ignoring everyone telling her to stop. She had one thought on her mind and that was eighteen years worth of revenge.

Alice - Once Upon A Time X Wynonna EarpWhere stories live. Discover now