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"Please I'm sorry." Jack whimpered as Wynonna pushed him to the ground, aiming Peacemaker at his head.

"You killed my daughter." Killian growled as he knelt beside the demon. "You don't get to be sorry."

"It wasn't my fault. Bulshar told me I'd be safe. That Wynonna would never find me."

"But I did."

"But you did." Jack confirmed. "Bulshar played us both. Please, spare me. I want revenge. I want to end Bulshar just as much as you do."

"Sorry, mate. The only revenge around here, is going to be mine." Killian stood up straight before quickly crouching back down as he swiped his hook across Jack's face.

The demon cried out in pain as he clutched his face. Blood pouring from the wound.

"Killian!" Emma gasped.

"Dad!" Alice gasped at the same time.

"Sorry you had to see that but the bastard deserved it. I have waited so long to do that."

"Jacky, Jacky, Jacky." Wynonna said as she kicked his hand away from his face. "Tell us what Bulshar is up to."

"I don't know. We haven't been in contact for over a year.  All I know was that he planned to make you as weak as you could be. Then he would break the curse himself. You wouldn't fight him because you'd be too heart broken."

Wynonna smiled and nodded her head. "You're right. He's right. I was heartbroken. But it did not make me weak. It made me strong to find my daughter and look now. I found her." Wynonna pulled the hammer as she tilted her head to the side. "See you in hell asshole." Everyone except herself and Killian looked away as she pulled the trigger, watching as the hole to hell opened, pulling Jack down.

Wynonna turned around as she put Peacemaker back in its holster. Everyone turned back around to face the demon hunter, Emma looked disgusted, she turned to her ex husband with a shocked look on her face as he just had the familiar cold stare he held many years ago.

"How are you okay with this?"

"He is the reason our baby is dead. He is the reason that Wynonna and Doc had their child taken from them. He is the reason we brought up a child that isn't ours but we believed she was. All the while, Wynonna and her family were going out of their bloody minds."

"Why do you care so much about them?!" Emma asked raising her voice slightly.

"Because we know what it feels like to lose a child. We have been through their pain and suffering."

"Alice is ours. She's ours. Not theirs."

"Woah back up now Goldilocks." Wynonna said as she walked forward. "Alice is ours. I'm her birth Mother. Doc is her birth Father. We never legally gave her up so in the eyes of the law she's ours and you can be done for kidnapping. Now, she knows you as her family and I understand that and I won't even try to change that because sure, you are her Mom. You are her Dad." She turned to look at Killian before she looked back at Emma. "But I will not stand here and listen to you say we're not her family because we are. If she's happy here then fine. That's all I wanted and all I prayed for was that she was happy and safe. All I ask is that you let me get to know my daughter. I've missed out on eighteen years, I don't wanna miss out on the rest of her life."

Emma glanced towards Regina who held her hands up. "Honestly, this isn't down to me to decide. It's between you and Hook."

Emma looked towards Killian and he nodded his head. Emma sighed and rolled her eyes. "No."

"Emma." Regina gasped, surprised that her wife said no.

"Swan." Killian hissed. "Let her."

"No. Alice is my daughter. I don't want her getting attatched to you and wanting to be with you when she doesn't even know you."

"That's for me to decide. You can't choose for me."

Everyone turned to look at the young woman walking towards them.

"Alice. Love, what do you want?" Killian smiled as he opened his arms. She walked into his arms and hugged him.

"I want to get to know my birth family."

Tears filled Emma's eyes and she turned around, walking away without a word.

"Don't worry about your Mum, love. This is just a lot to handle in one day."

"I know." Alice said giving a weak smile. "So...Wynonna, Doc, the rest of you, let's go to Grannys?"

Alice - Once Upon A Time X Wynonna EarpWhere stories live. Discover now