Twenty Five

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Everyone was stood at the town line. Tears in their eyes due to the fact they had just said goodbye to one of their closest friends...A family member.

Now Storybrooke was about to lose someone else.

"If today has taught me anything, it's that you are mature enough to make your own choices." Emma said taking Alice's hands in her own. "For eighteen years you have been my child. Blood. DNA. It doesn't matter, you will always be my daughter. You will always be my little girl but it's not up to me to make this choice for you."

Alice leaned forward, hugging her Mother tightly.

"There isn't really a choice to make." She replied pulling away. "You are my Mum. So is Regina and so is Wynonna. Hook is my Dad and so is Doc. You're all my family and I'm never going to choose you or them. I choose you both." Alice looked around at her now huge family. "There's a job to be done both here and Purgatory..." Alice glanced towards Margot who smiled shyly. "But I also want to choose my own path away from the towns. I want to explore the world. Explore the realms. I'm still young, I don't want to be tied down with responsibility. I want to live."

"I get it, I was the same as you." Emma smiled. "But wherever you go, we will all, always be with you. You understand? We will never leave you."

"I know."

Margot stepped forward and took Alice's hand in her own.

"I love you all. From the Earps to the Swan, Mills and Jones. This isn't a goodbye because I will be back. I never imagined I would have such a huge family. I never thought I was part of two amazingly different worlds."

"Well you are love. Embrace it because this family isn't going anywhere. You have three Mothers and two devilishly handesome fathers." Killian winked.

"Sure, Papa."

"I love you Starfish."

"I love you too." Alice smiled a bittersweet smile as tears filled her eyes. "I love you all."

Before Alice and Margot could cross the townline, they both felt numerous arms wrap around them. Alice turned her head slightly to see she was in a group hug with her family. She was sad that Waverly, Nicole, Dolls, Jeremy and Gold were missing but she knew one day she would see them again.

This was her family. Two completely different worlds but one happy family. She had never felt so much love and happiness in her life.

It's fair to say, Alice went on the best adventure of her life, she travelled over the world and when she returned, she happily accepted the roles of Saviour and Demon Hunter.

Margot and Alice's relationship was hard sometimes but they found a way to make it work. They shared pure love. True love for eachother and as the years went by their love grew stronger.

They got married.

Had kids of their own.

Through the ups and the downs she always had her family.

Sure, she was raised by the biologically wrong family but she was happy that what happend, happend because she found her true family. It wasn't just the Earps.

It was Wynonna, Doc, Waverly, Nicole, Jeremy, Dolls, Emma, Regina, Killian, Henry, Zelena, Robyn, Gold, Belle and now Margot and their two children.

It was a big family, it was a strange family but she wouldn't change any of them for anything.

Her name wasn't just Alice Swan-Jones. Her name was Alice Swan-Mills-Jones-Earp.

And now that she had her true family, she lived happily ever after.

The End.

A/N: Sorry it was such a lame end, I honestly had big plans for this but the past year or so hadn't been too good so I lost concentration for this story but I wanted to finish it because this entire story was for my very good friend. Thank you to those who have read and voted. I hope you enjoyed this story.

Alice - Once Upon A Time X Wynonna EarpWhere stories live. Discover now