Chapter 1: Dreamscaperers

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Quick Author's Note:

I've noticed that some people stop reading after the first chapter, and TBH, I don't blame them. I didn't do quite as well on these next few as I did on the later chapters, nanoda~! You just kinda gotta keep on truckin' till it gets good...

Alright, hold on through my shaky first steps, and then we'll really take off. Love you guys, enjoy! ^^

~Le Lovely Author, Melody/Zimari

Saige's POV:

        I was taking Wendy's shift at the Mystery Shack when I hear Stan Pines in the house part of the shop calling.

        "Kids! Wendy, Soos, I need you guys to come laugh at this with me!" I sigh. When can I leave this universe? I mean, Dipper and Mabel are alright, and I guess Soos is cool, but that Stan guy drives me nuts... the sad part is, I can't tell them who I really am. All they know is that I'm "from out of town." 

        My life sucks.


        Alright, I suppose that's an overstatement. It's nice here. I don't mind this sort of... vacation from all the craziness back at Higher Flight HQ. I stood up and walked to the living room, where everyone was gathered. The television was on, and an advertisement was playing.

        "Who's cute as a button, and always your friend? Lil' G-I-D to the E-O-N! Wink!" I snorted.

        "Well, that was possibly the dumbest advert I've ever seen." I say, flatly.

        Dipper scoffed, "Ugh, Gideon!!"

        Mabel started reminiscing of the good ole' days, "Remember when I wouldn't date him and he tried to destroy us?"

        Stan grumbled, "He's always trying to trick me into losing the Mystery Shack."

        "Once I caught him trying to steal my moisturizer," Wendy said, thoughtfully.

        Soos chimed in happily, lifting everyone's spirits, "And yet, our mutual hatred for him bonds us together."

        Now, I was new to the whole "hating lil Gideon" scheme, since I showed up after all this happened, but I'd heard stories. We all turned our attention back to the TV, where we heard a man's voice say, "Come on down to Li'l Gideon's Tent of Telepathy, opening soon at this location." As we watched, the advertisement showed a graphic of the Tent of Telepathy falling down on (and effectively demolishing) the Mystery Shack.

        Dipper furrowed his eyebrows, "Should we be worried about that?"

        Stan kicked back in his chair, "Please, the only way Gideon's taking over the shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed."

        Right then, we all hear a loud crash from upstairs, and Wendy voiced all our thoughts, "You mean, like, right now?"

        Long story short, Stan chased Gideon out of the house, beating him over the head several times with a broom. "You mark my words, Stanford, one day I'm gonna get that combination. And once I steal that deed, you'll never see the Mystery Shack again!"

        Stan laughed at Gideon's exclamation, "Good luck, bucko! The combo to this safe is in the one place you'll never find it: my brain."

        I was a bit concerned about the way Gideon stomped off, looking like he had some sort of plan. But whatever, I'm just gonna go back to work.

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