Chapter One

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Mating Season is an... interesting topic.

It occurs for many different types of Mages, though usually those have extremely old types of magic.

But there is another component to it.

Usually it occurs to those that have been trained or deal with mystical creatures.

Mages such as Dragon Slayers.

Mages such as Celestial Wizards.


Wendy awoke to a deep, and confusing, hunger.

She sprang from her bed and rushed to the closet, getting dressed as quickly as possible, her stomach feeling as if it was eating itself.

Carla was only just waking up by the time Wendy was up and ready to go.

"See you at the guild, Carla!" She called over her shoulder as she left, seeming to teleport outside.

Carla shook her head, wondering what was wrong with the girl.

Wendy felt as if there was an insatiable void that had been dubbed her 'appetite'.

She felt her stomach grumble and started to jog towards the hall instead of merely walking.

When she arrived, she pushed open the doors and hurried to the bar, giving Mirajane a smile.

"The usual?" She asked, grinning.

Mirajane knew all the guild members' usual dishes by heart.

"I'll take two," Wendy said, feeling the void seem to deepen.

Mirajane gave her an odd look before nodding and moving towards the back.

"Thanks, Mira!" She called happily.

The white haired Mage waved her hand while she walked off in a friendly fashion.

"Someone's hungry!" Natsu said, flopping onto the chair beside her dramatically.

Wendy noticed the absence of Happy and frowned.

Before she could ask, Natsu spoke.

"Where's Carla?" He asked.

Wendy blushed a little bit.

"I was really hungry, so I left before she was ready. How about Happy?" She asked.

"Same here! He's probably still asleep. Always been a lazy little cat." The Fire Dragon Slayer said with a grin.

Wendy returned his smile easily.

Many members of Fairy Tail had what you would call an infectious smile. Natsu and Wendy were part of that group.

Gajeel appeared beside Natsu, also noticeably lacking his Exceed companion.

"You leave in a rush too?" Wendy asked in a friendly tone.

He glanced at her and nodded gruffly.

"Guess I didn't eat enough last night." He mumbled as Mirajane came back with Wendy's four waffles.

"Thanks!" She said again, grabbing the plates as soon as they had been set down and started gracelessly shoveling the food into her mouth like a real Dragon.

Natsu and Gajeel each ordered double their normal breakfasts, although their normals were already excessive to say the least.

"The Dragon Slayers seem hungry this morning! Long mission?" Mira asked.

Wendy and Natsu shook their heads wordlessly as they ate.

Gajeel didn't even give her statement a second thought as he continued to pile his food into his mouth.

Mating Season (Mostly Chendy, Erlu, Canajane)Where stories live. Discover now