Chapter Seventeen

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Wendy saw Lucy making fun of Erza as she glared at a man that walked beside them. "You're so possessive and it hasn't even hit full force." Lucy giggles and Erza blushed just slightly. "You're the one hanging off my arm." Lucy pouted, giving Erza a playful glare. "Chelia, Cana, and Levy are doing the same thing!" She defended, face turning a dark scarlet color. "WenWen, I think the Dragon Slayers and their Mates should have a get together!" Chelia said excitedly. Wendy grinned at that. "That's a great idea!" Chelia beamed at her before looking around at the others. "Maybe we should wait for Natsu and Laxus to find their Mates..." Wendy offered. "Or... we could try and help them find their Mates..." Chelia suggested, eyes lighting up a bit. Wendy giggled before turning towards the guild hall, eyes searching and cataloguing people. "Alright... but if we're going to meddle, we're going to have to do it right." Chelia grinned and moved forward, looking out at the rest of the people. "Well, let's think about Natsu first. It has to be someone his age... and someone he spends a lot of time with.." Chelia looked around with keen eyes. "I would say it must be someone in Team Natsu... Who all is in that Team?" She asked. "There's Erza, Lucy, Happy, Natsu, Carla, Gray, and me," Wendy listed off, counting them on her fingers. "So that leaves Gray..." Chelia suddenly looked excited. "It seems like most of those Mating like someone of the same gender... the exclusion being Gajeel." Wendy was blushing a bit, but she nodded. "But... Natsu and Gray? They've been enemies since they were young..." Chelia's eyes widened and she grinned. "Rivals, you say?" Wendy was a bit worried about the look on her girlfriend's face. "Star crossed lovers!" Wendy giggled at her Mate's antics, looking over at Natsu. She was more than a little shocked to find that Natsu was looking over at Gray. "You might actually be right about this one..." Chelia gave her a look a that said 'really?' and Wendy laughed. "I'm always right, WenWen." She said with a smug look. "I mean, I did fall for you so..." Wendy blushed a bit at the girl's sly compliment. "Thanks." She mumbled, her face looking very reminiscent of Erza's hair. "Well... what about Laxus?" Wendy tried to change the subject. Chelia chuckled but allowed it. "Well... going off the whole pattern... I'd say Freed." This time Wendy laughed for a moment before seeing the pink-haired girl's serious expression. "Wait... really?" She asked, eyes going wide. "Yes." Wendy's eyes widened a bit before she looked over at Laxus. The Lightning Dragon Slayer was speaking to Freed and the green-haired Mage suddenly started laughing. Laxus watched with a slightly dazed expression. Wendy suddenly laughed herself and found she couldn't stop. "We Dragon Slayers are a mess... plus Lucy and Mira, I guess." Chelia giggled and soon the two were both in fits of laughter. Carla walked up to the table and raised an eyebrow. Wendy blushed a little bit, but she continued to laugh. "Let's go 'meddle'." Chelia put air quotes around the word meddle. She grabbed onto Wendy's hand and led her towards Natsu.


Natsu was tired of everyone else being so clingy with their Mate. What if I just don't have a Mate? That would be alright, right? The idea scared him. "Natsu?" Wendy's soft voice asked. The Fire Dragon Slayer turned around to look over at her. The Mage tried not to roll his eyes as he saw she was holding Chelia's hand still. "So... have you put any thought on who you think your Mate is?" She asked. "Of course I have!" Natsu said with a dramatic sigh. "Well... Chelia just thought it might help you a bit if we pointed out a bit of a pattern." She said, blushing a bit. "What's that?" Natsu asked, interest peaking. "Well... Lucy, Mirajane, Wendy, and (probably) Laxus all have Mates of the same gender..." Chelia barely kept herself from grinning. Natsu's eyes widened dramatically. "Are you saying... Laxus?" Wendy gestured with her right hand towards Laxus and Freed who were talking. Laxus didn't talk too often, normally, and right now he seemed to be talking up a storm. Natsu's eyes widened comedically and Wendy had to cover her mouth to stop herself from giggling. "So... if that might have helped..." Chelia was smirking a bit. "What's wrong, Natsu?" Wendy asked. "N-Nothing." Natsu stuttered a bit and Wendy's eyes widened. Natsu never stuttered. That was probably a good sign, she guessed. "Wendy... do you think you know who my Mate is?" Natsu was so dense. "For goodness sake!" Chelia exclaimed finally. She stepped forward and Wendy was pulled forward by their intertwined hands. "It's Gray, Natsu!" She hissed close to his ear. Natsu looked like he was about to faint. "W-What? Frozone and me?!" Natsu asked with wide eyes. Wendy giggled and Chelia sighed sufferingly. "Just thought we'd plant the idea in your head!" Wendy said, waving goodbye happily before she led Chelia off. "Next is Laxus."

Mating Season (Mostly Chendy, Erlu, Canajane)Where stories live. Discover now