Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Hey! Just a quick little thanks to everyone reading this series! These comments and stars are the reason I decided to update twice today! If any of you particularly like Chendy, I'm currently working on another Chendy story that'll be released soon! I'm already working on chapter twenty of this story (I expect it to be about 25 chapters long) and I'm on chapter six of the other story! Sorry for the long A/N! Thanks again!

Cana didn't notice the trio watching her and her new Mate. She grinned at that thought. Mate. Such an amazing word. She still didn't know everything, but, of course, that didn't matter too much. She was about to speak, but she heard a giggling sound to the side. She jumped, eyes going slightly wide. She saw Wendy's unmistakable blue hair poking out from behind a small bush. She blushed and stopped walking, pulling Mirajane to a stop by their intertwined hands. "Cana, are you alright?" She asked, following the black-haired girl's line of sight to where Wendy was sitting behind that bush. "Wendy!" Cana called, letting go of Mirajane's hand. She felt an odd feeling as she let go... as if it was wrong to do so. She heard an 'EEP!' from two girls that tumbled over out of the bushes. The two laid in a pile, Wendy laying on top of Chelia. The pink-haired girl blushed instantly and Wendy scrambled off her, blushing a bit as well. "Sorry, Chelia." She said, reaching down to help pull Chelia to her feet. She took her hand and blushed a little bit. "Thanks." She said, standing. Cana was blushing as she looked at Wendy. "So, Cana, do you have a girlfriend now?" Wendy asked with a giggle. Chelia felt her eyes widen slightly and she looked at Wendy. So she... Yes... much less effort than I thought. Chelia grinned at her thoughts. "Yes," Mirajane answered for Cana. Mirajane felt oddly... protective as she grabbed onto Cana's hand. "That's great!" Wendy cheered. Cana glanced at Mirajane for a moment before looking over at Wendy. The Sky Dragon Slayer was smiling... but the God Slayer was watching Wendy. Cana saw Carla look at Chelia too and she tried to connect the dots. Cana had an idea... but she wasn't quite certain. "You two are so cute!" Wendy giggled as she saw Cana blush. Chelia glanced at Wendy and grinned for a moment before turning back to Cana and Mirajane with a happy smile. "Well... we'll leave you be for now! Let's go, guys!" Wendy said with a grin, running off and forcing Carla and Chelia to do the same to keep up.


Erza held open the door for Lucy to walk through, making the other girl blush without even realizing what she was doing. "Thanks." The blonde muttered as she walked inside. Erza gave Lucy a very, very concerned look before she walked in. She wasn't certain what was happening to Lucy, but it was making her feel so useless, unable to do anything to help her friend. She didn't know why Lucy didn't trust her. She thought the two of them were close... "Lucy, if something is wrong you know you can talk to me, right?" Erza asked as she looked for the blonde's reaction to her words. "I... I know." Lucy was blushing again and Erza sighed softly. She wasn't sure what kept happening with Lucy, but she missed their friendship. She missed when the two of them could talk for hours... whenever Erza tried to do that now all she got was stuttered responses from Lucy. She didn't know what was happening, but Erza was certain it was her fault. Erza wasn't usually self-conscious. She was a strong, brave woman that didn't care what other people thought. Now all the sudden she was wondering what was happening and what she was doing wrong. Could she fix it? She didn't know... but it made her so worried. She shoved that thought from her mind and sat down beside Lucy at the bar. She was surprised to find that Mirajane wasn't there. Odd. Lucy looked impatient, looking around for Mirajane. Erza quickly understood what was happening to Lucy. "Don't worry." She said, standing. Lucy gave her an odd look before her eyes widened. Erza hopped over the counter and made her way to the back. She grabbed onto two barrels and hoisted both of them into the air before jumping back over with ease. "Erza, what-" Erza didn't hear the rest of what Lucy was going to say as she placed both of them onto the counter loudly. "Drink up," Erza said gruffly as she sat down. It wasn't like Lucy not to speak her mind. Erza was becoming slowly more and more upset with the blonde. She deserved to know what she had done wrong. She deserved to know what was happening to her best friend... Lucy looked over at Erza with confusion. What's her problem? She thought, frowning slightly.

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