Chapter Sixteen

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Wendy was going to get payback for Chelia embarrassing her. She was going to and it was going to be sweet, sweet revenge. But it was difficult for Wendy to stay angry when she thought about it. It had been a kiss after all... but still! Wendy saw a stranger look at Chelia and something reared inside of Wendy, making her wrap an arm around Chelia's shoulders. Chelia looked at her and smiled, wrapping her arm around Wendy's waist as they walked. Wendy didn't know why she felt so protective now... but it set off something in her memory... but she couldn't remember exactly what. She remembered that she had been in a hurry to get back to Chelia when it had been mentioned... she'd ask when they got there. "WenWen, you look worried." She said. Wendy glanced at her and suddenly saw the hilarity of the situation. Wendy was walking down the pathway to the guild hall with her new Mate curled up beside her. "It's nothing." She comforted with a smile. Chelia gave her a 'I know you too well to believe that lie' look and Wendy giggled at her. "I'll tell you soon, Chelly." The girl nodded. I just can't remember what Mirajane said!


Erza suddenly felt far more comfortable with Lucy's constant physical affection. She could protect her this way... but Erza wasn't sure exactly what she wanted to protect Lucy from. It was a bit worrisome honestly. Lucy came out of the bedroom and promptly latched onto Erza's hand, making the redhead laugh quietly. "What?" She asked. "It's just funny." She said. Lucy huffed and Erza pulled her forward by their conjoined hands. Lucy's displeasure from Erza's laughter subsided and she happily walked beside the scarlet-haired girl. "I need to talk to Mirajane," Erza muttered as she saw someone glance at her and Lucy, making Erza's grip on Lucy's hand tighten dramatically. "Erza?" Lucy asked, looking at her hand and squirming a bit. "Sorry, Lucy." She responded, loosening her grip. "It's alright..." Lucy's face suddenly lit up. "What?" She asked, feeling oddly worried about Lucy's excitement. "You're having symptoms!" She practically squealed the words. Erza's face lost color. "What?" She asked, imagining herself snuggling against Lucy like the blonde was doing now. If she did that she'd never be able to show her face at the guild again. She might as well go live in a hole. "You're going to be protective!" She said excitedly. Erza let out a breath of relief and Lucy laughed quietly. "Try not to murder Natsu, alright?" She asked. Erza nodded, looking a bit pale. "It'll be alright, Erza." She comforted. Lucy suddenly got nervous, tucking her hair behind her ear with her free hand. "I mean... you're okay with... this, right?" She asked. Erza looked up, looking slightly shocked. "Of course. It's just not going to be easy." She said. Lucy smiled and set her head on Erza's shoulder. "Good." She said, sounding a bit smug.


Wendy surveyed the guild quickly and saw that it was mostly empty. Mirajane and Cana were here as well as the other two Strauss siblings, but that was about it. Wendy sat down and was pleased to notice there was no longer a void-like existence in her stomach. Chelia raised an eyebrow as she saw that Wendy wasn't anxiously awaiting her food. "You feeling better?" She asked. Wendy smiled and nodded. Chelia smiled as well, setting her head on Wendy's shoulder again. "Good!" She sounded a bit indignant at the idea of Wendy being sick. The blue-haired Mage giggled at her girlfriend and Chelia gave her a grin. Mirajane couldn't contain herself any longer. "Is she your Mate?!" She asked excitedly. Wendy blushed and was about to answer, but Chelia answered for her. "Yup!" She punctuated her one worded sentence by scooting closer to Wendy. Mirajane made a high pitched giggling sound and Cana seemed to appear out of nowhere, hand seeming to teleport into Mirajane's. Wendy raised an eyebrow as Cana seemed to do the same thing that Chelia was. Wendy frowned and cocked her head to the side in confusion. She really did still need to ask Mirajane about that. She opened her mouth to speak, but Cana spoke first. "So, Wendy, you're the omega, right?" She asked. Mirajane had a smug look as she watched the pair interact. "Umm..." Mirajane giggled a little. "You forgot about that, didn't you?" She asked. She quickly explained it and by the end Chelia was blushing, looking at Wendy with slightly worried eyes. "So, it's you, right, Wendy?" Cana asked. Wendy assumed she wasn't going to be able to speak all day at this rate as Carla interrupted. "No. I believe that, from your description, it must be Chelia." Cana's face fell and Mirajane smirked with a surprisingly smug look. "Looks like you were wrong again, Cana." The card Mage muttered something under her breath that made Mirajane giggle. "Looks like you'll have to pay up, Can." She said, picking the worst possible moment to start using her new pet name (pronounced Cahn or just Cana without the ah sound at the end). Cana rolled her eyes but nodded. "Fine. But I'm totally winning the other one." She said. Mirajane's face darkened at the words. "What's the other bet?" Chelia asked with an excited curiosity she always seemed to show. "Natsu's Mate." The white-haired Take-Over Mage said darkly. "We each put the name of who we thought his Mate would be in a box." The black-haired woman added. "Cana thinks it's Lisanna." She said. "We agreed not to look!" Cana said distrustfully. "I didn't. I just know you." She said. Cana muttered something under her breath before picking up a barrel of beer and chugging a bit of it down. "Who's your omega?" Chelia asked with an intrigued look in her eyes. Wendy found the expression endearing and cute. "Can." Mirajane had a smug look on her face and Cana huffed in annoyance. Wendy giggled at the pair. "That's what I thought." Cana gave her a death stare and Wendy met it with a smile. She muttered under her breath. "Too much like Mir..." Wendy giggled, having caught it with her Dragon Slayer senses. Wendy looked up and saw Natsu slump onto the counter barstool, his head falling onto his arms that he had crossed in front of him. "You alright, Natsu?" The barmaid asked as she set down his usual. "I wanna know who my Mate is!" He whined, huffing dramatically. Wendy gave him a sympathetic look. "Yeah. Not knowing was the worst." She said consolingly. "You said i-WAIT! WAS?!" Natsu's head whipped around and he saw Chelia leaning on Wendy's shoulder with a content look on her face. "You found your Mate too?!" Natsu whined. "You llliiiiikkkkeeeee each other!" Happy taunted, making his odd mix of an evil cackle and giggling sound. "Yup!" Chelia said with a smug look. Wendy blushed a little but nodded along with her girlfriend's response. Happy pouted, he had been excited about taunting the pair. "I'm going to go find my Mate!" The fire Mage, whose powers suited his personality, started to get up, but Carla spoke. "Finding your Mate isn't like fighting a battle." She said. Happy agreed readily, giving Carla a smile. Happy was surprised to find Carla give him a smile in return. Wendy grinned at her best friend and Carla rolled her eyes, though her face looked just a little red. Natsu grumbled as he sat down again with a huff. "But I wanna know who my Mate is!" Natsu whined loudly. Carla was about to say something, but for once Wendy cut in instead of one of them cutting her off. "I know. I don't know what I'd do without Chelly." Chelia was blushing and she curled up closer to Wendy's shoulder, smiling. Wendy blushed as Mirajane made an 'awww!' sound. Natsu pouted harder before he stood and trailed off. The Fire Dragon Slayer found that he couldn't stay watching the rest of them being so cute together. He was... jealous.


Erza watched the strangers they passed on the streets distrustfully and Lucy was giggling every once in a while. "I like when you're protective." She said, setting her head on Erza's shoulder with a giant grin on her face. Erza blushed and led her new girlfriend into the guild, eyes falling on Wendy and Chelia almost instantly. "Wendy!" Lucy cried excitedly. The blonde let go of a Erza for the first time in over an hour and ran forward her friend. "Congratulations!" She cried happily. Wendy blushed and Chelia just grinned. "Thanks, Lucy!" Wendy said happily. Erza felt an odd feeling as Lucy hugged Chelia after hugging Wendy... it was almost... anger? But Erza didn't have a real to be angry... no... it was possessiveness. When Lucy came back to her, she put an arm around her waist and held it firmly. Lucy gave her an odd look, but smiled none the less and cuddled up against Erza. Wendy giggled at the pair before turning to find that Chelia already leaning against her. Natsu growled from a few tables away. "Why are they all so clingy!" He complained to Happy. "I'm assuming it might have something to do with Mating Season," Happy said sarcastically. Natsu rolled his eyes and turned back around so that he couldn't see the affectionate couples. He wanted nothing more than to have his own Mate at his side. Natsu found himself looking around the guild. His eyes landed on Gray and when the maker Mage looked up at him, he turned around quickly. Natsu wasn't sure why, but he felt oddly embarrassed by the interaction. Where could my Mate be?!


Cana looked over and saw Laxus speaking to Freed and suddenly his face reddened just slightly. She suddenly had an insight and she turned to Mirajane who she was currently holding onto by the hand. "I want to make another bet." She said. Mirajane raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure it's a good idea?" She asked. "Of course!" She said with a cocky smile directed at her girlfriend. "What's this one about?" She asked. "Laxus."


Gajeel looked over at 'Shrimp' and found she was looking at him as well. Enough is enough! He thought angrily. Gajeel stood and made his way over to the table she was sharing with Jet and Droy. "Shrimp, I need to talk to you for a second." Jet and Droy started to argue, but Levy stood. "Alright." She said and Gajeel led her from the guild hall. "What do you need-" Gajeel didn't let her finish her sentence, instead capturing her lips in a quick and surprising kiss. When the two separated, Levy was blushing a dark red color. "Gajeel..." An electrical spark shot between the two and Levy's eyes widened. Gajeel gave her one of his rare grins. "Looks like you're my Mate, Shrimp." Levy was far too excited at the turn of events to be upset about him calling her 'Shrimp'.


Gajeel walked back into the guild hall with his arm around the short girl's waist, a triumphant smirk on his face. Natsu groaned from across the guild hall, Jet and Droy practically fainted from shock, and Lucy grinned at her friend while giving her friend a big thumbs up. Levy blushed a little under everyone's gaze. Gajeel led her to the bar, making both Jet and Droy make indignant sounds. Levy looked up at him, but he didn't let go and smiled down at her. She lost the urge to go sit by the rest of her Team. "You're lucky." The pair looked up to see Lucy looking over at them. "Levy already knows all there is to know about Mating Season... I still have to explain things to Erza." She blushed at that, disliking the memories of having to tell her new girlfriend. Gajeel got a smug grin. "Yeah. Shrimp's a smart one alright." Levy beamed at him.


Gray glanced to the side and caught Natsu's eyes again. A part of him felt... weird... his stomach felt all... funny. He couldn't explain it... but it made him want to fight Natsu.

Mating Season (Mostly Chendy, Erlu, Canajane)Where stories live. Discover now