Chapter Four

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Wendy pulled back the covers to her bed and crawled in. Carla hopped up, crawling next to Wendy and climbing into her arms. That was a little known fact about Carla; she loved to be held by Wendy. Sure you would see the two of them walking while Wendy held Carla, but they kept it quiet because of how embarrassed it made Carla. Just because Carla worried about Wendy and tried to stop her from making mistakes (acting like a mother) didn't mean that she didn't like being held by Wendy. The two were close and it comforted the Exceed. Chelia came out of the bathroom with her hair all frizzed up made Wendy giggle and even Carla made quick amused sound. "I know." The pink-haired Mage said with an eye roll. "It's horrible." She said with a sigh. "I think it's cute," Wendy responded with a grin. Chelia felt her face redden and she quickly sat down on the bed, turning off the lights. "Good night, Wen." She said. Wendy grinned scooting over so that the other girl had room to lay down. "Good night, Chelia. Good night, Carla." The blue-haired Mage whispered. Chelia laid back in the bed and closed her eyes, finding her mind filled with thoughts of the beautiful girl laying beside her.


Erza followed Lucy home, not knowing why the girl refused to look at her. It was a bit unnerving and made her feel a bit self conscious. "Are you alright, Lucy?" She asked. "Hmm? Yeah, yeah. Sorry, just a bit tired." The blonde lied. "Is that another symptom? Should we speak to the Master?" Erza asked worried. Lucy couldn't deny the fact that she felt her heart flutter at the other girl's worrying over her. "No. Just didn't sleep well last night." She said. Erza nodded thoughtfully, starting to walk beside her again. "Hey, Erza?" Lucy asked quietly. "Yes, Lucy?" She responded. "I just wanted to say thanks for watching over me." She whispered. "Of course." The redhead said. "I know you're only doing it as a favor to the Master-" Erza cut her off. "Lucy, I volunteered. I wanted to make sure that you were alright." Erza didn't seem to know what kind of effect she had on Lucy as the simple words made the other girl's face seem to erupt into flames. "Thanks." The Celestial Wizard muttered quietly.


Cana sighed, looking at the clock at the corner of the room. It was already 10:30. She really should go home... but she always liked being one of the last ones at the guild hall. Then she could speak to Mirajane when she didn't have a lot of clients. "Cana, are you alright? You seemed to have a lot more alcohol today than usual." The white haired girl that had captured Cana's heart said. She put on a grin and looked back at her. "I'm fine! The world's just spinning a little." She said, smirking. Mirajane rolled her eyes and started cleaning the counter with a rag. "Do you mind?" She asked. Cana sighed dramatically before she stood and allowed the other Mage to clean where she had been sitting. "I'm just gonna sit there tomorrow. You really don't have to clean it." She said. Mirajane gave her an exasperated look. "At that rate the bar would never be cleaned." Cana laughed. "True." Lisanna giggled as she watched her sister interact with Cana. The two of them really did look cute together! Mirajane's eyes snapped to her younger sister and turned murderous for an instant before she turned back to Cana again. Lisanna couldn't help but feel a bit fearful. She knew that Mirajane would never hurt her... but for some reason even that fact didn't calm her worries. There were other ways that Mira could get her revenge... and Lisanna didn't really want to think about them now... or, perhaps, ever. Yeah, best not to make her older sister too angry. But Lisanna couldn't help grinning while she watched the pair. They really were adorable! Elfman walked up, taking a seat beside Lisanna. "What's up?" He asked, following her line of sight to the oldest Strauss and Cana. Mirajane giggled at something Cana said and Lisanna glanced at her brother. His face was full of confusion. "Oh, big brother Elf, you can be so clueless sometimes." She said, sighing. He tried to ask Lisanna what she was talking about, but she refused to budge on the subject. "Fine." The man said with an unmanly pout.

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