Epilogue Part Two

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Cana couldn't believe it. Here she was, looking down the aisle at the love of her life waiting there for her. It was a dream come true. She felt a sharp pinch on her arm. She looked around and glared as she saw her dad standing there, grinning foolishly. "What?! You were clearly wondering if it was a dream! I thought I'd do you a favor!" Gildarts cried in his defense. Cana glared at him and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She said with a slight huff. Gildarts was smiling like a child on Christmas morning... until he wasn't. Suddenly the man was sobbing and holding onto Cana. "I JUST MET MY BABY GIRL AND SHE'S ALREADY GETTING MARRIED!" Cana rolled her eyes and patted her dad's back in an inexperienced way. "There there." She said slightly awkwardly. Gildarts took a minute to regain his composure, but then stood up straight and held out his arm to his daughter, somehow looking like he hadn't cried a bit. "Shall we?" He asked formally. Cana grinned at her father and looped her arm through his. "We shall."


Mirajane had never felt as nervous as she did now, watching Cana as she walked up to her. She felt Lisanna pat her on the shoulder. "I still think you should have worn a tux. More manly," Elfman muttered. Lisanna slapped her brother's arm and glared at him. "Elfman!" She hissed. The middle Strauss brother held up his hands in defeat at the youngest. Despite the age difference, Lisanna was really the second born, calendar be darned. Mirajane couldn't help but think about just how beautiful Cana was as she walked up. Simply breathtaking. She was always beautiful, but something about the dress made it more so. It wasn't the way she truly looked in it, but more of what the dress symbolized... or perhaps it was the radiant look on her face as she made her way forward towards Mirajane. When she reached the alter, Mirajane beamed back at her. All the nerves seeped out of the white-haired Mage as she just stared at the one she loved. How could she stay nervous? She knew Cana and there was absolutely nothing that could go wrong... and for once a Fairy Tail Mage was right in that thought. The service was wonderful and beautiful, both of them reciting their own vows they had written earlier. "Cana, I hear about love at first sight from almost everyone I meet, but I think they're all wrong." Lucy looked offended from her seat in the front row while Erza smirked beside the blonde. "Because love at first sight comes before you get to know the person. Then it's just merely infatuation. We met when we were young, but it took me years to find out how amazing you are. If younger me could see us now..." everyone in the church let out a chuckle and Cana grinned foolishly. "Well, let's just say pyromania would be a great concern of mine." Cana nodded at the words. "But I'm so unbelievably happy to be standing here with you, Cana." Mirajane got a bit teary eyed and Cana squeezed her hand. "Mirajane, I love you. I've loved you for so long and I know I'll love you for an eternity. You're my everything and I couldn't imagine my life without you. I planned on having a long vow, but I realized that when the time came for me to say it all, I wouldn't have the patience to finish it." Mirajane smiled at her through tears and Cana found herself blinking some moisture out of her eyes. "I completely understand." Mirajane whispered. Cana grinned at her. "Do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?" The preacher asked. Mirajane was the first to respond and Cana gave her a playful glare. "I do," Mirajane said softly. "And do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The preacher looked at Cana. "I do." She said in the same hushed voice. It was as if they spoke too loudly they would shatter this perfect world and it would send them careening back into reality. "Then I pronounce you Mrs. and Mrs. Strauss." Cana was about to sigh, having lost the battle of who got to keep their last name, but Mirajane had leaned forward and sealed their marriage, pressing her lips against Cana. As always, they were both seemingly sent back in time to see the moments of their relationship that had brought them here... but this time Cana could almost see the future... two kids running around a small house, one with brown hair and one with white. It made her finally cry. It wasn't the first time she had cried about her and Mirajane's relationship, but it was definitely the happiest.

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