Chapter Twenty-Four

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Wendy smiled as Chelia happily swung their hands. "Where are we going?" She asked. Wendy froze for a second. But... you're the one that pestered me to ask you out... why am I supposed to pick where we go?! She thought, though the didn't dare say this out loud. "That's a surprise." She lied. Chelia giggled and Wendy let out a breath. She'd bought it. Now all Wendy had to do was figure out somewhere to go... easier said than done. She glanced around, trying to figure out. She finally caught sight of something special and smirked, dragging Chelia towards it by their connected hands.


Cana looked at the recipe and visibly shuddered. This was far too complicated. Chocolate cake was a simple dessert, right?! Then why, why, did it have twenty-five steps?! She shivered and Mirajane giggled. Cana sighed and turned to her girlfriend. She shoved the recipe into Mirajane's hand and took a step back. "You're going to read this and decode what the heck it's saying." She said, leaving no room for argument. Mirajane sighed and rolled her eyes. "Alright." She directed Cana to grab the milk and take it to the center. She explained a few steps before Cana dropped an egg. Mirajane gave her a look before turning back to the instructions. As she turned away, she felt something smack against the back of her head. Mirajane's hand went up to touch the back of her head. She found the remnants of an egg. Mirajane turned around slowly. Cana had a smirk on her face before she launched another egg at her girlfriend. Mirajane ducked quickly. "Cana!" She snapped. Cana started to lower her arm, which held another egg, thinking that Mirajane was actually upset. Cana got a puff of sugar to the face and coughed, rubbing it off of her face as quickly as possible. Mirajane smirked and grabbed the milk gallon threateningmy. Cana threw another egg before rolling to the side of the kitchen, hiding behind an island counter. She heard quiet footsteps as she snuck around the side of the counter. She suddenly felt cold milk splash against her head. She squealed and Mirajane cackled evilly. Cana rolled to the side as soon as she could and blindly threw three eggs, all three somehow hitting Mirajane, and scurried off to the side of the kitchen to regain some sort of strategic idea. The two fought for a further ten minutes before Cana suddenly started giggling. At that point, Mirajane burst into laughter as well, the two of them dropping their 'weapons' and looking at each other's appearances. "Cana... your hair..." Mirajane practically wheezed the words out. "You aren't a picnic yourself, Mir." She said with more giggles. The pair moved towards each other before looking around the kitchen. "I think we should clean ourselves up before this..." Mirajane said reasonably. "This is what you get for trying to make me bake." Mirajane burst into laughter at Cana's words.


"What are we doing, Flame-Brain?" Gray asked. "We're going on date!" He said happily. "Where?" Gray asked. "I don't know! You're the alpha, aren't you?" Gray didn't know why he like Natsu. He really just didn't understand. How could he... what did... Gray sighed. There was no use wondering what was wrong with his boyfriend. He was too busy trying to figure out where to take Natsu.


Lucy glanced at Erza, wondering where the pair were going. She didn't seem to be wandering as Lucy had honestly expected her to, but instead she seemed to be striding as purposefully as she always did. I should have known. Erza's always got a plan. Lucy thought fondly, looking at her girlfriend with loving eyes. Erza glanced at her and smiled slightly. "Where are we going?" Lucy finally asked. Erza smirked just slightly. "That's a secret." Lucy sighed and followed after her girlfriend.


Erza finally turned them to the side and brought them to... wherever they were going. Lucy still didn't know. She suddenly gasped, looking out at the beautiful starry sky. Erza smiled as she looked at her girlfriend. "You always said you wanted to see the night sky and its stars clearly. I thought I'd take you here one day." Lucy gaped as she looked over at the ocean sea. It was almost impossible to tell the difference between the ocean and the night sky. "Erza... it's beautiful." She breathed. Erza smiled broadly. "I knew you'd like it." She responded just as quietly. Lucy pulled Erza closer and set her head against the girl's shoulder. "I love it." She breathed. Erza smiled and started to lead the blonde down the beach slowly. She knew that Lucy would like it. She was a Celestial Wizard, after all, and would naturally love the starry night sky. "I love you, Erza. This is the most wonderful thing anyone's ever done for me." She whispered. Erza found herself beaming as they slowly ambled their way down the beach.

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