Chapter Eight

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"So why don't you tell them how you feel?" Wendy asked, cocking her head to the side as she looked at Cana. "It's not that simple, Kid." She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Why not?" Wendy asked, frowning. "You won't understand." She sighed. Cana felt that familiar defeatist attitude seeping it. It felt the same way it had with her father all those years ago. "Why not!?" Wendy hissed indignity. She wasn't often treated differently from the other guild members for her age unless they were in battle. "Because it's a she!" Cana hissed angrily. Wendy seemed to freeze and Cana felt herself start to smirk at her victory, but of course it didn't work as she remembered her situation. Wendy wasn't disgusted, no, in fact, she found herself wondering why she had thought of that before. That definitely wasn't bad. It was actually... she found herself blushing a deep scarlet color as she continued down that train of thought. She tried to stop, but it was like a freight train hurtling down the tracks with no possible way of stopping it. Now she found herself thinking of something she really didn't want to be thinking about. It scared her. "Hey, Kid, I get it. You think it's disgusting, but you don't have to-" Wendy shook her head vigorously and she felt herself blushing. "No! Just... never heard of... that before. I just... sorry! I think you two would be really cute." Wendy was blushing harder and she wasn't sure why. That was a lie. She knew exactly why she was blushing, but she really, really didn't want to think about why. Cana perked up, smiling slightly. "Thanks, Kid." She said. Wendy gave her a smile, but her face was still really red. "You alright?" She asked, sounding worried suddenly. "Yeah... I'm fine..." Cana saw right through that horrible attempt at a lie. "Spill." She demanded. Wendy shook her head, blushing further at the thought of speaking what she had just thought. "I told you!" Cana said with a grin, acting as if she hadn't been about to cry at Wendy's rejection. "I was just... thinking." Wendy's face continued to steadily redden. Cana rolled her eyes, snatching onto Wendy's hand and pulling her to a more secluded part of the guild hall. Chelia strained her eyes to watch Wendy walk off, feeling oddly jealous. Chelia wanted to be the only one to make Wendy blush like that... Wendy found her mind staying back to Chelia and she blushed deeper as Cana pulled them to a stop, eyeing Wendy. Chelia dug into her brain, trying to understand why she would be so upset with someone else getting Wendy's attention. Why would she be jealous if someone else made Wendy blush? She didn't know... but what she did know was that she loved the way Wendy laughed. The way Wendy smiled, making Chelia's heart beat uncontrollably fast. The way Wendy was so adorably innocent. The way Wendy could go from teddy bear to momma bear in 0.05 seconds flat. The way Wendy's eyes lit up when she realized something or got excited. The way Chelia just wanted nothing more than to kiss her. She suddenly felt her face turn a fiery red color and turned around, not wanting Carla to see it. What was all that about?! "Go on and tell me, Wendy." Cana was smirking. "I just... thought about what you said is all... and it... well it made me feel embarrassed." Cana raises an eyebrow. "Who'd you think about?" Wendy blushed a deep scarlet color at that. "How did you-" Cana cut her off. "I know, Kid. Now fess up." She demanded. "Chelia." She muttered. Cana smirked and nodded. "I've seen the way she looks at you you'd look 'cute together'." Cana smirked as she copied the words that Wendy had said earlier. Wendy's face was redder than a stop light. "I'm gonna go." She muttered, tripping as she started to walk off. Cana laughed at Wendy's embarrassment. She hadn't really seen that one coming... maybe she could make a bet with Mirajane. The white-haired Mage always seemed to get excited about new ships... well, perhaps not bet. That wasn't really Mirajane's style. Cana knew that. Cana probably knew more about Mirajane than she strictly should have.


Cana sat down on the counter just in time to see Mirajane coming back out from the kitchen. "Hey, Mira." Cana's face reddened. Why do I always lose all my wits when this girl comes along?! She's just so pretty... STOP IT, CANA! She screamed at herself. "Hi." She sounded quiet, not looking at Cana. She felt herself panicking. Mirajane hadn't get that weird spark, right? "You alright, Mir?" She asked, feeling oddly brave. "Mir?" She asked. "Yup! Everyone calls you 'Mira' or 'Mirajane'. I thought I'd get myself a unique nickname for you." She thought she was imagining it, but by the end she was quite certain that Mirajane was actually blushing. "Oh." She said simply. Cana felt a bit of butterflies erupt in her stomach. Cana wracked through her brain, trying to find something she could say to the girl while her guard seemed to be down for a bit. "Wanna grab a bite later, Mir?" She asked as she realized she couldn't find anything else to ask. Mirajane froze and Cana's heart pounded. Had she pushed her too far? Were her feelings clear? She hoped not... "O-okay." She thought it was her imagination at first, but she was quite certain that Mirajane had stuttered. "Cool! Don't worry, Lis! I'll have her back by eight." She called, noticing that Lisanna was listening. She missed the deadly glare that Mirajane gave her younger sister. Cana was glad she had a flirty nature. It allowed her to flirt with Mirajane without it seeming too odd. She really hoped that Mirajane was blushing right now. "Lis!" She hissed quietly. Lisanna just giggled at her sister and her Mate. That made Mirajane blush as well. Her Mate. As if a crush wasn't enough.

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