Chapter 1: Zombies!

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Elijah's POV

The sun beamed directly into my eyes as I crawl out of my tent. I saw my other friends; Jade, Link, Michael and Bailey. I hear the moans loud and clear coming from the nearby city. I pull out my revolver and aim it towards the source of noise as the others follow my lead. Link climbs up a nearby tree and takes out his knife ready and waiting. We slowly sneak around where the noise was focused and when the opening was right, bolted towards the massive city gates with the guards all watching us from afar. We show them our ID to get into the city. We hear the groans far behind us as we enter through the massive gates. The buildings scraping the sky lean over us as we walk towards our small apartment. You had to pay rent here just one of the little things keeping everyone sane.

Each of us have a key to get in the house. As we all piled in everyone went to go and get changed. We were heading to a meeting on what to do about the dwindling power and resources. I walk into my bathroom. I see my long and scruffy brown hair that was currently all over my face, my torn black singlet, long red jumper that goes over my hands, shorts and my black sneakers. I quickly get out of my old and ragged clothes to put on my suit. The suit was red and blue along with my prized possession, an old necklace belonging to one of my friends who didn't make it with me. It was a blue gem that lit up when ever danger is present. I walk out of my room and sit on the couch whilst the others still get ready. It felt like time wasn't passing but there isn't much I can do about it. I decide to get a glass of water only if it is to stimulate my mind for a short amount if time.

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