Chapter 18: A New Friend

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Two Month’s Later

“Jade do you see that?” I ask jade pointing at the sky. We were currently in a make shift town within the mountains where no demons or angels can get to us. It was a war free zone, no fighting or killing. “Its an angel! I think it’s a girl falling out of the sky!” I say loudly and before jade could respond I boosted myself up into the sky using electricity. She was falling at rapid speeds so I used myself as a barrier. I grabbed on to her and went flying into a building, shattering it but protecting the girl who had been unconscious at the time. She opened her eyes; her bright blue eyes stared into my ever-shifting electrical eyes. “Are you hurt?” I ask her as she quickly jolted up. She fumbled and grabbed her dagger facing it at me, shaking, unable to stop, “F-f-freeze! Or-r-r I-I’ll k-k-kill you,” she said with an unsure tone in her voice. “Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you, I can tell you don’t want to fight. We are passive we don’t kill unless someone hurts one of us. Its how we live.” I smile at her while I grab the knife and put it on the floor, “See easy?” I say smiling. She smiles back before closing her eyes and falling to the ground. I slide under her and stop her from hurting herself.

I take her into my house and look after her. Rachel and Jade come in and Rachel asks, “What just happened?” I quickly close the door where the angel was resting. “Um well someone was like falling out of the sky so I used myself as a parachute to stop them hurting themselves. Don’t you guys worry I’ll look after her, just keep healing the wounded and getting more supplies.” They leave my house so I head back to look after the fallen angel. “Why are you helping me?” she asked weakly whilst still lying in the bed. “What’s your name?” I ask staring into her eyes, “My name is Rane,” she said looking down at the sheets. I saw a tear roll down her cheek, “What’s wrong?” I ask her whilst I grab her hand, “I’m only young, but being forced to fight against my will, its horrible! I watch my friends die so that’s why I run but I was hit out of the sky somewhat quicky and you caught me…” more tears start rolling down her face, “I’m Elijah” I say but before I could say anymore she had punched me square in the face, “What the hell was that for!” I yell rubbing where I was punched to see her quivering in fear just from looking at me, “You-You are the one known as ‘Double Sided,’ oh my god please don’t kill me!” she was trying any method to get away from me. “I’m not that person anymore…” I say as I look down at the ground, “I regret taking those lives.”

Stephen’s POV

“Thanks for the all the nature help Stephen!” Jade yelled as I walked towards Elijah’s House. I place my hand on the handle and slowly open it to see Elijah talking to an Angel, “ELIJAH!!!” I yell before feeling a jolt of electricity running through my system shutting it down.

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