Chapter 10: The Attack

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Elijah's POV

"Bailey!" I yell as I rush over to him, "Goodbye" he whispers before his entire body went limp. He was dead and finally with her. "Jade, do you remember what happened that day?" I say with eyes dull and hateful, "Y-yes, I wish I didn't do it, every day..." I saw Jade standing watching over Michael, tears streaming down her face and dripping on him. It was a sad day.

"I'll tell you guys what happened with her," I say, as the rain got heavier. "It was two years ago in a shopping centre, she was looking for supplies with Bailey and I was with jade doing the same. We didn't know each other and Jade stumbled upon her. She had her gun ready to shoot thinking it was a zombie but Jade was too fast and pulled the trigger on impulse. She was sent flying into a wall, blood everywhere this is why Bailey never opened up. This is why he Hated Jade."

I feel myself being awoken to the sound of explosions and buildings crumbling. I quickly sit up as they sounds get louder and more destructive. I rush around my room getting some clothes on along with my weapons.

We all finally get out and are down stairs, "We gotta go and check this out ok? Is everyone ready?" I ask before everyone gets their weapon of choice and we walk outside. We see buildings crumbling to the ground, dead bodies everywhere and then we see seven Death Jackets waiting for us, "We got a city to protect" I say pulling out my three swords, one in each hand and one in my mouth before charging forward with the others behind me. We kill the Death Jackets but not without a causality, Jade had been hurt badly after being shot in the leg, "Get inside we can handle this," I say coldly as Link and I attack the other Death Jackets in plain sight. I saw him, The Head Death Jacket. I charged dropping the sword out of my mouth and left hand. I slash at him scratching his shirt leaving a little blood; he grabbed out his knife and shot it forward towards my left arm. It was a direct hit leaving my left arm useless. I pick up my other sword and put it in my mouth before charging at him with all my might. He grabbed out a gun and kicked me down the rubble pile. "Say goodbye Bitch" he said pulling back the trigger.

Rachel's POV

"Not today," I yell firing one bullet directly at the leader of the Death Jackets. His body flailed to the ground with a loud thud, "Boo Ya Bitch!" I yell before getting back inside to help Jade. "Jade lemme have a look at your leg," I ask for no reason as I have a look anyway. I look in the cupboards for something to wrap around it but I couldn't find anything. Jade had started crying, tears rolling down her face as the blood flowed out of the open wound. She was screaming so I did what I had to, i knocked her out.

Link's POV

"Elijah I'm coming!" I yell as I rush over to help him up. The Death Jackets run back into hiding after watching their leader be gunned down. "Lets go" I say as we rush back out to the house. He was yelling in pure agony and I couldn't take it so I had to run upstairs and leave it to Rachel they are dating after all. I sit on my bed staring at my dagger thinking how easy it would be to end it all.

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