Chapter 2: Attacked!

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After an Hour or two the others came out ready to head to the meeting. Link was wearing a green tuxedo with his knife and pistol at the ready, Michael was wearing a simple black and white suit, Bailey had a red suit with a white undershirt and Jade was wearing a long white dress and black Converse instead of heals. After not long of walking from our apartment we see the massive green and white dome, The army building in its massive scale. It was heavily fortified as it was the safe point if anyone in the city was to be infected. Luckily we haven't had to use it. The loud roar echoed throughout the streets as the undead manage to brake down one of the lower fortified gates and of course that said gate was the closest one to us. We all turn in unison as the loud cracking and scraping noises keep echoing, that was until the infected began to pile into the city.

The gunfire roared as the infected lifeless bodies hit the ground with a loud thump. Slowly all that could be heard was G36C's being fired and taking out every last infected. We ran, we ran as fast as we could the zombies being obliterated behind us. Jade tripped over her dress slowing her down severely hurting her leg. The last of the infected, out of the gunfire a reach caught up to her and out of nowhere she appeared, her long blonde hair blowing in the wind. She grabbed Jade and threw her out of the way giving us enough time to take out the zombies. Jade welled up with tears whilst realising who had saved her, "Rachel." Her gentle voice carried by the wind to the mysterious girls ears, "Hehehe Yea I guess the gods decided that I shouldn't die" she said turning around looking at Jade with tears streaming down her face. More zombies where on the way, "No time to catch up LETS GO!" I yell as we start running towards the government building.

The rest of the zombies where quickly mowed down as we entered the building. Rachel wasn't wearing formal, it was more like death soaked and stank of darkness. We were greeted at the front and went into the main building. Rachel had told us everything about their past.

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