Chapter 9: Madness!

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Michael's POV

"Hmmm the smell of blood, that great smell and taste hahaha. I think its time I killed them, I'm sure they won't mind hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I FUCKING LOVE LIFE!" I walk inside with my gun behind my back and say, "Guys I need to show you something awesome!" I pull out my pistol and aim it directly at Elijah, "ITS DEATH MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I yell as I pull down the trigger and...

Bailey's POV

"I'm not gonna let this happen!" I say to myself as the bullet almost went in slow motion; I acted on impulse, "No!" I yell as the bullet misses Elijah and hits me directly in the chest. It was over, I was dying but not before I took out that son of a bitch, "Die" I say as I pull out my revolver and shoot him in the head, killing him instantly but not long after it was over for me.

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