Chapter 4: The Meeting

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Elijah's POV

"I made it to the roof and I saw that I was trapped, the zombies were behind me so I did what I had to I jumped, I jumped off the tall shopping district and landed on my back of course those stupid zombies followed me. Everything was going in slow motion like those cheesy action movies. I felt death grab me and life me up, I must have been wrong because about two days later my eyes opened with a blinding light and I was back, ready to save those close to me, No matter the cost." Everyone was silent in the big open room all staring at Rachel, we thought she was mad.

All of us walk into the massive auditorium to see a lot of the gangs and high authorities waiting for many others to arrive so we could get started. The meeting was long and boring until it reached a point about the food and water crisis. "We have found a new source of food and water that hasn't yet been contaminated. It appears that the zombies can't actually reach this point within the mountains as the terrain gets to rough for them. We have sent many troops out to gather these said materials and we feel that we can survive on this for many years" The whole auditorium started mumbling and not before long people were objecting saying its to risky but a small group of about thirty people decided to help including our small group. "So what do you want us to do, go out and get it or stay here and watch out of the death jackets?" Nathaniel, the leader of one of the smallest clans asked. It was silent until, "I want 15 people to stay and guard the city along with 40 troops, the rest will go to gather the needed resources.

We head back to our home offering Rachel a home to stay in after protecting Jade. As we walk into the front door, I look behind me as I see Rachel drop to the ground with great speed. I manage just to slide in and grab her before her head hits the ground, "JADE QUICK HELP ME GET HER INSIDE" I yell as I grab her with Jade's help. We lay her down on the couch and check for what the problem might be. "She has a fever and has been overworked," Jade says as a single tear rolls down her cheek. "I'll go get some water and medicine from the shops, can you come with Link?" Michael says walking to the door, "Sure thing lets go" Link responds. They walk out the door as I heard Bailey murmur, "Tia" softly before heading up to his room. "Jade I need you to do something for me" I say looking into Jade's sparkling brown eyes and whisper in her ear, "When I die, its up to you..." I sit down on the couch next to Rachel and sigh, "The end is soon Jade, Be careful." I hated that this had to happen to Jade, she is only a girl, and she is only 16.

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