Chapter 22: Activation

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Axen’s POV 

“What’s protocol 5?” I ask following them into a secret underground building, “This is,” Jade says pulling down hard on a lever. The surveillance cameras turn on as we watch all of the buildings go into the ground and mix with the surroundings. I pull out my discus whilst the others ready their weapons. The Angels land, there were 10 so we jumped out of hiding and killed them all. I see Elijah walking towards us now holding up his new blade, “Axen, write down The Black Flaming Discus markings on my sword, I figured it out just trust me!” He says. I didn’t have a choice so I grabbed the sword and added the symbols. He lifts it up in the moonlight as it shines until a single beam hits it reflecting on the 10 angels. They disappeared and the particles left by them went into the blade. It was the forbidden moon blade.

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