Chapter 6: The Return

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Elijah's POV

"Should i go check up on Rachel and give her a fresh tea towel?" I ask myself as I grab a glass of water, towel and bucket of warm water and take it upstairs. I knock on the door to hear a faint, "Come in" from Rachel. I open the doors and sit on the end of her bed, "Do you need more pain killers?" I ask softly before she gently signals me saying no. I get her a fresh tea towel and sit on the end of the bed. She opens her eyes, "Its funny" she manages to get out.

"What is?" I answer before she blinks slowly.

She doesn't reply at first until she starts to laugh a bit, "how stupid you are," as she finishes the sentence she starts to laugh. "I see this sickness hasn't effected your humour," I respond laughing. I hear a door open downstairs so I decide to go check it out, "Wait I'm coming too!" She said slowly getting out of bed and following me downstairs.

Rachel's POV

Jade, Link and Bailey stumble through the doorway, all of them looking like they had just run a 24km marathon, "Sorry that took so long, we got a bit distracted." Then I see Elijah's eyes widen, "Where's Michael?" He asked quickly and worryingly.

"He had to help out with some computer stuff, he will be back tomorrow." Link answered sharply. "Oh ok that's good." Elijah said walking up to his room. I head back up to my room to get some more sleep. "What a boring day, maybe if I rest some more I can regain my strength for whatever tomorrow holds.

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