Chapter 14: A new Friend

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Lily’s POV

“This is where you must be staying as your old has was destroyed…so make yourself comfortable!” I say smiling without a care in the world. I adjust my black tinted glasses so that they don’t look into my eyes. “Lily, if you’re a test subject then what’s happened to you?” Link asks. I began to blush without control, “I can control fire when I’m mad hahaha” I say obviously lying but it fooled Link, “I gotta go check my room ok…” I quickly scurry into my room. "I can't tell me, maybe i should try wearing some contacts that might work a little better then the old method."

Elijah’s POV

“Guys we need a strategy to get more people like us, test subjects to go back and destroy the scientists who did this to us!” We all yell in unison as we head into town. We use our powers to scan for others like us and we create an army of about 50. We were in a big field training when it was time, “MEN!!! GET A GOODNIGHT SLEEP FOR TOMORROW WE FIGHT!!!!” I yell as loud as I could. The roars of everyone felt like the world was shaking. “Come on guys lets go get some sleep,” I say as we head to Lily’s. I go into Rachel’s room and we kiss for a bit until we end up falling asleep.

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