Chapter 19: Betrayal

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Elijah’s POV 

I grab Stephen and slam the door closed. He slowly opens his eyes to see the Angel and I both sitting next to him. “Don’t worry she doesn’t want to hurt us, she is friendly” I say smiling but Stephen wasn’t making eye contact, “Stephen what’s up?” I ask before he looks up at me, his eyes red with fire and hatred. He stands up and uses his powers to summon vines wrapping around Rane, draining her life force. “STOP!” I yell before sending a surge of electricity from my hand into Stephen’s chest sending him flying through the wall. I breathe in before untangling Rane, “The others aren’t like this, Stephen lost everything because of the war is all,” I stand up and go over to Stephen whilst everyone looks at me. “Guys! Earlier today an angel was shot down, she was trying to escape the other angels and demons. And if it wasn’t for me she would be dead, I’m going to take care of her so if you dare attack her…. I will kill you,” I walk back into my house creating an electrical shield around the massive hole in the wall.

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