Chapter 12: The Testing

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Elijah’s POV

The metal rods dug into my skin along with the tiny electrical capacitor lodged in my heart making me an electrical absorber. I open my eyes to a luxuries room that had everything from a TV to a spa, but there was one problem. I was alone so I decided to turn on the TV but that’s when the strangest thing happened instead of turning on the TV an electrical current flew out of it and flowed into my hand creating a small ball of electricity, “H-how is this even possible!” I ask doubting everything and anything I had ever known.

Jade’s POV

 I felt the electricity jolting me every so often, forcing me to stay alive. I felt the needles dig into my skin and injecting me with some form of liquid. I open my eyes to see I was in a small but luxurious room with everything that I need. I walk into the bathroom only to scream in pure horror. “What am I?” I say as I feel the ears on my head, that’s when a small yet long furry object came up from behind me and tangled around my waist. It was my tail; I had been turned into some cat turned human! I screamed again but when I tried to scratch at the mirror claws extended out of my fingertips cutting the mirror into pieces, “What have I become!” I yell in anger and Fear. 

Link’s POV

I opened my eyes to see myself surrounded by men in white lab coats injecting fluids into me, zapping me with low jolts of electricity and taking some of my blood. This wasn’t happening it couldn’t be. The pain was too much so I just let go. I opened my eyes to see a weird cat cross human creature siting on me, “WHAT THE FUCK!” I yell pushing it off me, “Its me Jade!” she giggled. I got up and I felt weird, different so I tried to do a small agility test whilst Jade sat there, her tail flicking in curiosity.  When I tried to run I wasn’t running at normal human speed it was some form of super speed and I wasn’t making any noise even though I was obviously running. “THIS IS AMAZING WOOOOO” I yell running circles around Jade. She got way to dizzy and passed out, “Jade! Jade!!!”

Rachel’s POV

I open my eyes to see people in lab coats talking in some foreign language, I try to get up but then they look at me and one says, “Don’t worry little girl it’ll be over soon” He said walking away but I couldn’t take it, this was hurting, “REBIRTH” I yell at the top of my lungs as the scientists look at me, they turn to ash and disappear. I scream as security comes in and sedates me. I wake up to see Elijah sitting next to me in bed, “Where am I?” I ask quizzingly, “We’re are trapped in this amazing cell room things. We cant escape I tried with my new powers. “New Powers? Are you mad!” I said laughing that was until electricity from the tv came flowing into him making his eyes glow a bright white colour, “Oh my god, what did they do to you?” She asked in anger.

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