Chapter 8: Welcome Back!

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Elijah's POV

"Where the hell is Michael!" I yell throwing a punch towards the fridge, "Bzzzzzrt cr cr baaazrrtt" the fridge started smoking before the light went out, "Oh crap may or may not have broken the fridge great" I say. I walk over to the table where Jade and Rachel are siting with some Lunch. I sit down Jade looking very upset that I just broke the fridge. "We needed that you know?" I didn't respond at first until it clicked.

"I'm going out now, if I don't return in an hour...head to the military base," I slam the door before walking down the street towards the government building. I make it inside, pulling out my pistol and aiming it at the General, "Where the hell is Michael! Tell me or say goodbye to your brains" an evil smile creeps across my face at the idea of killing, it felt good heck it felt great. The General points down the hallway and gulps as I make him walk forward first. Way to many soldiers were aiming at me but were to afraid to shoot. He opens the door and I see Michael tied up and unconscious, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM" I yell smashing the back of his head with my pistol, "H-he is a valuable asset which we need." He said swallowing, "You could have just asked him to come back when you need it instead of keeping him here!"

Michael's POV

I open my eyes to see Elijah pointing a gun at the General then I remember what happened. "Shoot him" I say as the general slowly moves his eyes towards me, his cold eyes. "BANG" the gun had been shot, his were now dull and grey. Elijah unties me and we head back home, none of the guards bothered us knowing what we were capable of. When we walk through the door, Jade runs over and hugs me, "I thought we lost you" she said not wanting to let go. "What happened," Elijah asked coldly. "They needed me to kill all of the gangs, they said I have an ability and they needed ability. I don't want to talk about it except it was only The General who did it no one else so don't worry" I say pushing Jade off me and walking up to my room.

Elijah's POV

The radio starts up by itself saying, "The cur Bzzzzt will end this apo bzzzzt and will start a new bzzzt age for the hu bzzzzt just head to the gove bzzzzzt building to be vaccinated bzzzzt Death Jack Bzzzzzt" Silence filled the room before Link had the guts to say, "Its fake" Jade was shocked most of all retaliating with, "HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ITS FAKE!" silence came before I said, "Death Jacks...Death Jackets its obviously a fake. Come on Jade you aren't this stupid," I say with cold eyes. Michael walks down stairs and says, "It is real, I had it that's why they needed me trust me its amazing." He walks downstairs and outside. I say, "That isn't Michael, he has been brainwashed! The other day he pushed Jade off him when she hugged him, the real Michael loves Jade and would never do it."

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