Chapter 15: The Rally

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Jade’s POV 

“WAKE UP YOU STUPID BITCH” he says as he sends a jolt of electricity through me, “I’ll give you five seconds to run you Fucking FAGGOT” I yell as I got up and my claws extended ready to cut him to pieces. “BETTER RUN FASTER THEN ME!!!” I yell before getting ready for battle. We walk outside when I see him, a test subject like us. He stared back at me with his sparkling hazel eyes. He walks over to me, “Hey you’re Jade aren’t you?” I couldn’t move, I was stunned, “Yea I like potato’s ahahahhaaa” I say out loud like a retard, “I mean yea and who are you?” he laughs before answering, “I’m Levi and I really love what you have going, Cat/Human hybrid I’m guessing?” I stare at him blank faced before being called over by Elijah, “I have to go help Elijah, I’ll see you again” I say kissing him on the cheek and running towards Elijah.

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