Chapter 16: Old Wounds

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Link’s POV

“Ok are you guys ready!” I yell as loud as I could but then I saw it, they started grinning and aimed all of their weapons and attacks at Me, Jade, Elijah, Rachel And Lily. “Die” They all said in unison as they attacked us with all their might, except for one. Levi, who was helping us, started attacking the other subjects. The fight went on for long but then the ground began to shake as lightning bolts came flying down from the sky. When they came in contact with the ground they exploded leaving massive craters. The War of Many had only just begun. 

Michael’s POV 

“Kill all of the test subjects and anyone who gets in our way!” I yell as we smash into the Earth with great force. I pull out my golden sword, “You will all DIE” I yell as the test subjects fell back except for five who dared stand up against us, “You must be Elijah, Link, Jade, Rachel and Lily hahahaha DIE” I yelled as my comrade Bailey shot his Golden bow directly at Link, Killing him instantly, “Say goodbye to your friends ALL OF THEM!!!”

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