Another Note.

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Ok so if you have read my last note please ignore it as i will continue to edit this storyline but not this version. I have started work on a new Pain Advance that will hopefully prove to be better then this one. I have put alot more effort into the other one. While i am creating the other Pain advance this one will not be deleted for comparison, but if you did enjoy this book, the next one will be split up into three; Pain, Hatred and Misery so do keep checking back if you did enjoy this book. My old idea for the next book will be scraped and if people actually wanted that i'm sorry as i feel it was a low quality idea with a terrible background altogether. 


All it says is that i will start work on a new and better version so look for it in the future. Any previous ideas will be thrown away but i sitll hope you enjoy my new books. I thank you all for the support, Have fun.

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