Chapter 23: The Final Battle

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1 Week Later

Elo’s POV

 I pull out my sword sneaking in the bushes near where Hades and Zeus were fighting. I wasn’t alone I had my team with me. Lily, Jade, Rachel, Stephen, Dragon, Axen, Pj and Aisling. We sneak up towards the battle that was in mid battle. I pull out my Moon Blade before leaping towards Hades. The others follow me with their weapons at the ready. I slash my sword into Hades knocking him down and weakening. I push my dagger into his heart while I had the chance. He laughed before turning around and throwing me into some trees. I charge back at hades, attacking him whilst the others take care of Zeus. I finally manage to tire out Hades before activating the blades full potential. The moonlight zaps onto hades as he gets sucked into the sword and flung back into Hell. The same happened with Zeus. The Angels fled, along with the demons leaving the human race safe at last.

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