Chapter 20: Loss

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I head outside to see Rane behind me, following close behind. I see it, a blitz in the sky of what appears to be a demon. There were black flames forming around him, as he was getting closer to one of the mountains. I do the same tactic as with Rane, I jump and catch him taking the impact and exerting it through my body. “Elo stop saving ‘them’ its not good!” Jade yells pulling out a knife towards Rane’s head, “Im going to kill her,” She slashes the knife but it happened to fast. Rane flashed out of the way, disarmed Jade and destroyed her knife with a minor cut to her wing. I walk towards my house whilst everyone stared at Jade, on the floor with her eyes wide open. I put the demon on my bed and tend to any of his wounds when I see from the corner of my eye Rane forming a sword of light, “It was a mistake to trust me,” She said pushing the sword into my heart. My electrical discharge forces her back. Jade runs in with Stephen and Rachel next to her. They manage to tie back Rane and put her in the cells, “Thanks for the help,” I say smiling at them. The demons eyes opened wide, he had black eyes with a small spark of red in the centre, “Where am I?” he asked looking around confused. He looked about our age, “You’re safe from the war, and the angels IF you are trust worthy,” I go over and pick up Rane’s light sword, “I like this blade,” I say slashing it around.

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