Chapter 17: The Battle

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Elijah’s POV

I put my hands out in front of me as the electricity slowly flows from my fingertips to the palm of my hand. It was forming a sphere in each hand, spinning rapidly causing an airwave around the electrical balls. They grow to the size of tennis balls before I run at Michael with top speed. My hands were flowing behind me as I shot them forward. One directly in Michael’s chest and the other his right arm. He was sent flying into the forest, taking out many trees in the process. “You will die for that!” I hear Michael yell from the background. The other Angels step back whilst Michael slowly makes his way back over to me. He stops and puts his hands forward, “Prepare for certain death” he said running at me with full speed. I jump out of the way, my hand streaming with electrical currents. I throw a punch as hard as possible towards him and “THUMP.” He went flying into the ground causing a crater, “Stay down if you’re smart!” I say as I walk away from the pit. “Kill them.” I say as I turn away from the Angels. My fellow test subjects charged with all there might as I turned away and merely waited until it was time.

 Rachel’s POV

“What the hell is Elijah doing!” I say to myself as the others charge in. “Elijah! Why aren’t you fighting?” I yell but all he does is turn towards me, “Because this isn’t the worst to come, prepare I don’t want to lose you,” I couldn’t move and he was walking away. That’s when the earth began to shake wildly, more angels and some demi-gods smash into the ground ready to fight the test subjects but it wasn’t over as soon a massive crack appeared in the ground as thousands of demons and lost souls came flying out of the crack. “We shall help you fight Humans ahahahhahahahaahahahaa,” one of the devils laughed whilst charging at the angels. Hades last of all came out of the crack as Zeus came out of sky, “So it’s a war of dimensions is it?” Zeus asks before charging at Hades. “It has begun.

Elijah’s POV

“Its time to unleash all hell upon Earth, it was meant to be” I say as I pull at my two swords and charge towards the battlefield. I slashed, blocked and I thrusted, killing many angels, demons and anything else in my way. I was free this was the life. The death count has tripled but soon it will be over.

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