Chapter 5: Loss

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Bailey's POV

"Why is this weather always so crap, Rain, Rain and even more rain?" I say to myself, as the rain gets harder. I grab my gun and examine it thinking how easy it would be just to end it all right now, "No, she wouldn't want this." I fall to the ground slamming my hand onto the cold, hard wooden floor yelling at the top of my lungs. "Why, why did it have to happen this way?! I should have protected her!"

Jade's POV

"Rachel, please, don't leave us again." I say as Elijah still sits there, his emerald green eyes fixated upon Rachel every so often shifting towards the door waiting for the others to return. The door opens widely as Link and Michael step in both holding bags filled with medicine. Elijah quickly rushes over and begins to heat up some water, after he grabs a small towel, dips it in the water and puts it on Rachel's head before giving her some painkillers. He grabs her and takes her up to her room. After about a minute he walks back down and sits on the couch, lost deep in thought.

Link's POV

"While we were out, there was talk of a revolution within the city and we were asked to find you guys and head out." I say shaking quite a lot. "Ok I'll get everyone and you'll go out, I'll stay here and look after Rachel because I know how to well." Elijah speaks unsure in himself before we all head out into the city. We arrive in Town Square all ready to investigate along with two other clans. "I've been put in charge of you guys so listen to me, we are gonna storm the sewers as that is where a small pocket of the Death Jackets are hiding Ok? So here is the plan."

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