Chapter 13: Escape

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After we were done we begin to search for some means of escape when I found a mechanical door, “Big mistake!” I yell as I drain the electricity from the room and send it back as a blast through the door, destroying it and leaving nothing except a gap to escape. We run through the halls hand in hand when I see a door marked, “Link and Jade,” I blast through the door to see Jade and Link sitting on the couch, “Lets go losers,” I say as they get up and follow us out, “where are we going!” Link asked as we sprinted through what seemed to be a never-ending hallway, “Home” I say as I blow a hole directly through a wall. We jump out of the building and see we are in the city but the walls were gone and everyone was staring at us, “Where did the walls go?” I yell as someone walked up to us and said, “They were taken down when we found the cure you ditz” Link then said, “When was this cure found?” she paused before answering, “About a week ago oh and I’m Lily who are you guys?” I look at her and respond with, “I’m Elijah, This is Rachel, Link and Jade” her eyes widen and her jaw drops, you guys are test subjects like me!” She screamed and jumping up and down. “Come on you need to follow me!”

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