Chapter 21: Protocol 5

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“I’m Axen, a new demon forced to fight in this pathetic war against humanity and angels. I don’t really have any special talents other then my ‘Black Flaming Discus’ which I wish never existed,” He pulls out what looks to be a metal Frisbee with some markings along it but when he focuses his eyes flicker white, then red and then back to red. The disc then lights up with black and purple flames. “More Angels are coming,” Axen says before standing up and walking outside, “They’ll be here in 30 minutes so you better get ready,” He said looking around. I grab out the light sword when I felt it. My heart was going rapidly like a mini-gun, I couldn’t move, I was paralysed. I couldn’t say, all I could do is cough up blood. It kept coming until I finally passed out. 

Rachel’s POV

“Elijah!” I yell before racing over and grabbing him. There was blood everywhere and people had started to look at him. I pick him up when I felt a jolt of electricity run through my system. It was a bit of a shock but I take him back to his place. Jade follows me whilst the others start to prepare. I slowly put him down on his bed and start cleaning the blood with Jade, “What could have caused it?” I ask Jade whilst still cleaning up. I wash the blood off of Elijah when I notice it, a massive slash at his back, “Blood loss!” I yell as Jade rushes in and examines the gaping wound. We patch it up and let him sleep. “The Angels are gonna be hear any minute,” I say before Axen comes in and we activate protocol 5.

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