Jungkook- maknae wars

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My boyfriend and I were always very competitive. Both of us being idols meant that we were usually very busy. When we did get time together, we were always competing in some way or another. Usually it was just when we were playing sports or board games but sometimes Jungkook would come up with strange challenges for us.

"Hey Y/n!"
Jungkook yelled at me, despite the fact I was sat right next to him. I got really close to his ear and screamed into it.
He covered his ears and I grinned at him. He whined at me and my smile only grew.
"you're so mean."
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm a Saint."
We looked at eachother for a moment before laughing.
"As I was going to say before you so rudely yelled in my ear, I have a challenge for you."
"oh yeah? What's the challenge?"
"so you know how I'm the best maknae out there?"
"No I don't, I'm clearly the best. First of all, I'm younger than you so that automatically makes me better but even if I wasn't younger I'd still be better because I'm just so cute."
He laughed at me and I pouted.
"It doesn't matter if you're younger, I'm still better. I was going to let you try and take the title of the best, most adorable maknae away from me but I doubt you'd be able to top my skills. It'd be fun seeing you struggle."
I looked at him and smirked.
"Oh you're on. I can totally top your skills."

It started simply enough with a dance battle that he lost very ungracefully. We were both going to perform one of the other's songs. Fortunately for me, I know the dances to all of the BTS songs. Jungkook on the other hand, didn't think the dance battle through and knew none of my group's songs. J-hope had overheard our conversation earlier and wanted to judge the dance battle. He decided that I won and smirked at Kookie. He yelled at Hobi.
"You're supposed to be on my side Hyung!"
J-hope put his hands up in defense.
"I was just being honest."

From the dance battle, things escalated. Both of our groups had gathered round us as we were walking around on our Hands. Jungkook had the bright idea of seeing who could stand on their hands for the longest. How any of this related to being a better maknae, I had no idea. Yoongi had come back from the studio only to see the others gathered around us, popcorn in hand, as we walked around upside down.
"what are they doing? I'm gone for a few hours and every turns upside down. I can't leave you alone for a minute, can I?"
J-hope laughed.
"They're having the maknae wars. It's pretty entertaining. You should've seen the dance battle."

A few hours passed, my arms were getting tired and my group's leader- Dae-Hyun yelled to me.
"keep going Y/n! I don't care if your arms hurt, you keep standing on your hands!"
"why are you so invested in this?"
I laughed, trying to keep my balance.
"I don't know! I just want you to win."
I fell over laughing.
Kookie smirked. My group groaned at me. We both had one victory behind us and I was determined to win.

The day went on with us competing in more games like monopoly and twister. By the time it was evening, we had both won three challenges each. We collapsed on the floor, tired.
"Okay okay. Let's just call this a draw, I'm too tired to do anything else."
I nodded and smiled at him.
"yeah, let's just go to bed."
He chuckled as I yawned mid sentence. Kookie picked me up and carried me to his room. I pulled him close as we laid down.
"I love you."
"I love you too, even if you're always competing with me."
We giggled to eachother, falling asleep in each other's arms. Even though we were always competing, we really did love eachother.

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