BTS- 7 princes and a king

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(all of you are in a relationship cause why not?)

(Y/U/N) has started the chat.
Taetae has joined the chat.
Dance_monster has joined the chat.
Your_hope has joined the chat.
Worldwide_handsome has joined the chat.
Milknkookies has joined the chat.
Spoonful_of_suga has joined the chat.
Mochi has joined the chat.

(Y/U/N): I bet you're all wondering why I have called you here.

Spoonful_of_suga: this is a group chat. You haven't called any of us anywhere.

Your_hope: shh, lets see where he goes with this Yoongi.

(Y/U/N): Thank you hobi, as I was saying. I have called all of you here to discuss an important issue.

Taetae: I have a feeling this will end badly for us.

Dance_monster: yeah...

(Y/U/N): I have a question for you all.

Milknkookies: what is it?

(Y/U/N): why is it, that when I tell you not to eat my food, you decide to ignore me? I had four doughnuts left and now there's only 3. So which one of you was it?

Spoonful_of_suga: Jin

Dance_monster: Jin

Taetae: Jin

Milknkookies: Jin

Worldwide_handsome: Hey! Learned my lesson after the first time I took your food. It wasn't me.

(Y/U/N): sure... I don't trust any of you!

Spoonful_of_suga: I hate to be that guy but I'm just gonna say it. Jimin hasn't said a word this entire time and I find that very suspicious...

Milknkookies: 👀👀

Worldwide_handsome: 👀👀


Mochi: FINE! It was me! I'm sorry but they just looked so good and I didn't think you'd care if I only had one.

(Y/U/N): ...


Mochi: ...

(Y/U/N): ... You are forgiven...

Spoonful_of_suga: really? It was that easy to forgive him?

Worldwide_handsome: yeah! You didn't talk to me for a week when I ate one of your brownies!

(Y/U/N): Lets just say that Jimin is very persuasive.

Dance_monster: Jimin...

Your_hope: What did you do?

Mochi: Nothing...

(if you want more text based one shots then just comment saying you want one. Also feel free to request a one shot, I'll literally do anything I'm able to write)

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