J-hope- rivals

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You were the main dancer of your group- Karma and to say people knew about the rivalry between you and Hoseok was an understatement. People all over the globe knew about your rivalry. Now, you didn't hate each other, the rivalry was just a friendly competition between the two of you. You had known each other for years since you had grown up together. Besides, you could never hate him, he was an amazing person inside and out.

It was a Wednesday when you had some guests at your dance studio. You and your group were practicing some old songs. Your manager came in with the seven boys and their manager.
"Boys! You can take a break for a moment, we have some important news."
You all nodded at your manager, Hana, and sat down.
"What is it?"
Your leader, Alex, asked.
"Well, the company decided that it would be a good idea if we worked with bighit since we're both doing very well at the moment and this would only boost both the companies. So, for the next album, you two will be collaborating. Now I know that (Y/n) and Hoseok know eachother but other than that, none of you have ever really met. Today you will get to know eachother and tomorrow you'll start work on the album."
Both of your managers left the room after you nodded all nodded.

The air was tense as you and Hobi stared into each other's eyes.
Namjin said before J-hope pulled you into a hug.
"Ah! (Y/n), isn't it so great that we're working together!"
You smiled at his happy nature.
"It is,"
Smirking, you continued your sentence.
"Maybe you'll finally realise who's the better dancer out of us."
He playfully hit your shoulder and gasped.
"How dare you! Do you really have no respect for your hyung? I am obviously still the better dancer."
You could feel both of your groups staring at you.
"So, when are you two gonna kiss?"
Both of your heads snapped to face Jungkook.
You almost screamed out.
"No, it's not, we're not,"
Hobi tried to form a sentence to explain but failed miserably.
"Okay. Sure, I guess we're ignoring the sexual tension in the room then."
At this point Jimin and Tae we're giggling along with the two youngest of your group.
Jin hit Jungkook on the back of his head.
"Stop embarrassing them."
He rubbed his head and mumbled an apology.

The day was pretty uneventful overall. You and Hoseok told stories of your childhood together and you all got to know each other. By the end of the day, you had decided to stay behind to dance some more. You were used to practicing all day and because you hadn't done much dancing that day, you wanted to get in the extra practice. J-hope also stayed behind to do some dancing as well.

Your dancing was in sync. Your timing, perfect. Your skill, equally match. While you always competed to surpass the other's dancing skill, you both knew that when you danced, you were equals.

After the music stopped, you were both panting. You looked over to Hobi who's eyes were already on you.
"You always look so hot when you dance."
He blurted out, taking you by surprise. You blushed a bright red before mumbling out,
"You too."
He smirked at your sudden shyness. As he stepped towards you, you felt your heart beat quicken. He put his hand under your chin and tilted your head up to face him. Your eyes locked and he pulled you into a kiss. It was long and passionate, like your dancing. As you pulled away, you heard the door to the studio open.
"Sorry to bug you, I forgot my phone..."
Jungkook trailed off as he saw the two of you. He smirked. He quickly grabbed his phone and left, not before saying,
"I'll leave you two lovebirds be."
Both of you were bright red as you stood there. You looked into each other's eyes before you spoke up.
"Well that's one way to kill the mood"
You both laughed as you sat down on the bench, excited for what the future held.

Ayy, sorry I've been gone for a little while. I should be back now and I'll be writing a little more often. As per usual, if you have any requests, please comment or pm me. I hope you all had a good Christmas and new year!

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