The Screen: An Excerpt (METANOIA: Nemese's Creed; The Tale of Aurea)

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(An Eulogy for Truth)

I once knew someone whose knees
defied the call of gravity.
People shook his feet that stood proud,
and soon it kissed the barren ground.

He's now sleeping six feet below;
long-forgotten award was bestowed.
Another one lived as he ceased to exist.
Not even a history, never in stories.

Neither the ground nor the world's a stage
to perform the tricks up the sleeves.
But a closet that secretly spits secrets;
the keys to unleash remain as a quest.

Like a reflection in a shiny mirror,
those lies they mouth are bound to bounce horror.
Those secrets they keep untold--
for words can lead, for words can rule.

Heed that voice, the sweet yet savage words;
man is good in lies, quotes and sugarcoats.
For the closet and for your freedom,
seek that old friend they once did abhor.

dedlaynTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon