You (METANOIA: Nemese's Creed; The Tale of Dedara)

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Notes: This entry contains all the SEVEN DEADLY SINS without directly mentioning it.
This entry is a letter for the Philippines.

Ps. I typed these notes not to spoil you, nor spoonfeed you, but for you to understand my prose just like how I comprehend it.


Yes, you. You who had my heart and soul since I was born. You who I've been idolizing since I knew how to read your thoughts. You who became my platform in living this life. And you, whose name I am always proud to bring with.

I loved your tropical heat that burns, with your time I used to embrace while crawling into bed-- procrastinating. I loved how your heavy cries made me hungry and full. And maybe-- just maybe, I dared to love your corruption too.

I loved you for all that you had which I don't, but not after you believed those three to six sacred, and sick promise-sorry. You've been living in hell since before my birth, and even before your discovery.

Demons already used you, betrayed you, and leave you. You're fine without us, but you chose to gave us entrance on your purity. And when you trusted him and them, you knew you just entered seventh circle of hell.

Since before my birth, I've been dying to love you. While growing, I've been taught to die while loving you. I thought I loved you, but I'm wrong. I still love you, and I will always will. But for now, let me bid you a goodbye, for I wanted to be a modern hero too, Nana Bayan.

dedlaynTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon