CHAPTER 02 : Enter the Chaos

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Aine is genuinely surprised to see Mio alongside Karen, leading to Pure Palette's unexpected reunion due to Love Me Tear's involvement.

Aine: "Mio-chan... but, why?"

Mio: "Aine... why should we meet again like this?"

Dark General: "Because Love Me Tear needs both of you."

Aine: "Need us... for what?"

Mirai: "To defeat the ones who targeted you."

Karen: "That is right. Mio-chan was also targeted, but I saved her. However, I've received info about the disappearance Baby Pirates."

Aine: "Baby Pirates disappeared?! How?!"

Dark General: "It is very likely that they have been captured... by none other than... CKN."

Aine: "CKN?"

Dark General: "CITRA KARYA NUSANTARA, an Indonesian organization led by my worst archenemy from the past. These bastards live only to rip-off other people's works, claiming them as their own, and brainwashing the masses into believing that they do own those stolen works."

Mio: "How terrible. And why would they target us, and many other idols? Also, where did they get their robots from?"

Mirai: "They're targeting idols - more specifically Japan's entertainment industry as a whole - because they believe that we are nothing but complete mockery to their so-called fully-inspired works. Animated works, comics, illustrations, musics, none are safe from their fangs. They seek to rip them off, obliterate them, and claim the remnants as their own."

Karen: "Indonesia's entertainment industry has suffered and almost fell into oblivion because of their foul actions, and Japan is going to be their next target."

Tamaki: "What a ridiculous mentality..."

Dark General: "As for their robots, yes, these are also the result of blatant rip-offs."

Mio: "Then, what do you want us do to defeat them?"

Karen: "You two are going to... pilot your own Gundams."

Aine: "Gundams, you said!?"

Tamaki: "Wait a second, you two. You can't possibly ask them out this quickly! Don't you see their current state?"

Dark General: "You should also realize our current situation. This is a serious matter that we can't possibly underestimate. What if they end up getting captured and get their hard works ripped off without mercy?"

Tamaki is silenced after hearing HAVOC Commander's question. Aine begins imagining what would happen if she gets captured by CKN and the horrors she might face if that does happen.

Karen: "If I may say, you better let them think this through."

Tamaki: "Just as she said. Besides, they must be pretty exhausted from their works. At least give them time to rest and think about their decision."

HAVOC Commander thinks for a short while, and...

Dark General: (sigh) "Fine, I'll let you think this through. But, I await your answers tomorrow!"

Mirai: "Very well, then. We'll bring you two home and give you some time to rest up."

Aine: "Okay..."

Mio just nods.

Mirai: "I'll ride you all back to the school. Is that okay?"

Tamaki: "Please do."

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