CHAPTER 15 : Advance of Haruna

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Ivan is still stunned to see the Ninja blocking the holy cross and greeting him. However, he greets back anyway.

Ivan: "Greetings, Ninja-san. I am Ivan, the leader of NEXUS Crusaders. What is the meaning of this?! Why are you stopping my attack?!"

The Ninja: "Why, you may ask? Because your actions will allow CKN to reign free over all innocent people and trample over them without mercy."

Ivan: "You don't understand! This HAVOC Commander guy has brought madness upon this world by waging war against CKN! All who have battled against CKN must make peace with them, otherwise, the madness won't end!"

The Ninja: "Ah, still as stubborn as ever. Right, the traitorous one?"

Ivan: "What do you mean? Am I that familiar to you?"

The Ninja: "Of course. Because I am once HAVOC Commander."

Ivan: "WHAT?!?!"

Aine: "Impossible!"

Mio: "This Ninja guy was... HAVOC Commander?"

Dark General: "He is... me! He is my other self!"

Mirai: "To think that there are two HAVOC Commanders..."

SK: "Then... my divination was true! One of them is connected with the darkness."

Grand Nexion: "Hoo... the new form of HAVOC Commander actually came in person. What do you want? Bring more madness with your war against CKN?"

The Ninja: "Grand Nexion... You big jerk, are you still driving Ivan's actions with your manipulations?"

Ivan: "Me? Manipulated? Don't screw with me, I know what I am doing. Grand Nexion is just backing me up in my mission. I lead this crusade myself. Now, step aside and let me put him out of his misery!"

The Ninja: "Nope, I won't allow it. Because it's up to me to handle my other self and everything else."

Ivan: "I cannot trust you. Knowing you, you will let loose of him and bring even more madness combined! I must stop you!"

With his Harvest Key ready once more, Ivan attacks the Ninja. With his extreme reflexes, the Ninja parries Ivan's attack with his ninja sword while also doing some fast but silent maneuvers that confuses Ivan and the others observing the fight.

Mio: "His movements... why can't I see it?"

????: "You just can't."

From the distance, Camilla arrives alongside Litemire, Dreamroller, and even Grandraze with Miyu & Aria.

Aine: "Camilla-san?"

Camilla: "That's what makes him a ninja."

Yume: "W-whoa. Iris and Love Me Tear are in a pretty bad shape."

Rola: "We'll help them get up, then."

Yume, Rola, and Camilla heads down to help their downed allies get up.

Aria: "Are these... our new friends in Gundams?"

Akari: "Yes, and they are idols, just like us."

Miyu: "And look at Ninja-san fighting his opponent. Wait, it isn't CKN! And what is that edgy-looking MS?"

Sumire: "Ninja-san is fighting Ivan, who apparently brought some companions with him. And that edgy-looking MS? It's HAVOC Commander, the vengeful guy leading the charge against CKN in this world."

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