Goddess of Love Being Replaced

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Autumn, a beautiful mix of fiery oranges  could not compare to the blend of obnoxious reds and browns her hair wore, waving down her neck. The sun was hiding behind her gorgeous locks, as if envious of the glow in her face. She had smooth, pale skin with small freckles sprinkled on her button like nose and rosy cheeks. Her dark, blue eyes were like the ocean; the black of the pupil was surrounded by a fiery silver conquered by a sapphire blue. Her beauty imprisoned the men in a love spell that was impossible to snap out of, and they worshipped her as being more beautiful than Aphrodite. Aphrodite, covetous of her vision, summoned her son to make her fall in love with a gruesome monster...

"Make this shameless girl fall in love with the most horrendous creature who has ever walked on Earth." Aphrodite ordered.

Eros, always obedient to his mother, flew to the castle and as the sunlight shone through the window of the princess' room: there he was, grabbing a golden arrow to make the sleeping girl fall in love with the most despicable creature on Earth. While he was aiming his arrow at the princess, he was startled to see that she was very beautiful, and felt himself being shot with his own arrow. He couldn't bear having the princess destined to be with such a horrible monster, and decided to not tell his mother. Eros wanted to find a way to make the princess fall in love with him, and get married.


"Hey Psyche!"

I ignored my name and sat down on my bed, staring at the window; something about it had changed. Whenever it was morning, I would feel a strange presence near it. Then, I was being called again,


It was most likely one of the servants calling me, just to tell me that there were men outside of the castle. I didn't have time to be bothered with a crowd of men just admiring me and marrying other girls.

"Aphrodite's here! She wants to kill you!"

This time I turned around to scold whoever pronounced her name. Then, I saw that it was one of my sisters.

"Oh, I see. I guess that's the only way to catch your attention."

She smirked.


I scowled at her,

"That wasn't funny; she hates me."

Whenever I would go to her temple to say sorry about the guys worshipping me, she would reject my apologies.

"Come on,"

She teased,

"She's just jealous that you're hotter."

I rolled my eyes,

"What do you want?"

She was leaning against the wall, with her curious green eyes scanning my room,

"You have to find a man."

I shook my head,

"Miracle, I'm obliged that you're worried that I'll never find a husband, but you shouldn't stress out about it. Believe me, I am very annoyed that no man ever wants to be with me, but I'll find somebody one day."

Her face grew serious,

"You know, we really should go to the oracle just to make sure that you will find happiness."

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