The Betrayal

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My sisters then hugged me and left the palace to let me do my thing. It was now nighttime-surprisingly, since the hours would usually go by at it's own pace. I grabbed a lamp, the fire shining a faint light, but enough to see the hallways. I then grabbed a sharp dagger, to maybe kill him If he was what my sisters described as a monster. I walked to Eros's room. The room had an amazing scent of roses, and the walls were painted in dark purple. On the bed the sheets were tidy, and there was Eros, sleeping on top of a blood red blanket. Should I see how he looked like? Maybe it was a bad idea. No, I had to protect the baby. I shone the light to Eros, and what I saw surprised me.

      Eros wasn't a mortal-he was a god! Of course! The roses represented Aphrodite's beauty; he was the son of Aphrodite. He had gorgeous dark brown hair at the roots that went lighter as it went down his face and stopped at the back of his neck. On his shoulder blades were two large and divine angel wings, each one keeping his tan, muscular body warm. He had only a tunic, exposing his chest. Distracted, I accidentally spilled a melted wax on his shoulder. He woke up with a scream, grabbing his shoulder where he got burned and looked at me. From under his messy hair peeked eyes of hazel and honey. They shone like the a polished stone bathing on the sunlight, but they revealed fear and mistrust. He had a worried look plastered on his face, ruining his perfect features.

"Psyche! What are you doing here?"

He cried. My face went pale,


Was the only sound that I could make out of my mouth.

"You listened to your sisters, didn't you?"

Tears were forming on his eyes, falling down his cheeks.

"I'm so, so sorry.."

I apologized. He flew away, and I heard his last words before he left the palace,

"You betrayed me, Psyche. I loved you."

Tears were simultaneously falling down my cheeks,

"I'm so sorry."

I cried. Shit! He was a son of Aphrodite! She's going to kill me! Fight pain with more pain. I thought. I grabbed the dagger and cut my hand, blood trickling down my palm.


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