Real Elysium

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I could see black  covering the edges of my vision, the nyctophilia that I used to have quickly left me, making me become terrified of what would happen when I died. Elysium? Fields of punishment? I didn't know. I could hear Eros's voice muffled, and I couldn't make out what he was saying. I couldn't see anymore. 
I collapsed, trying to gasp for air and my pulse becoming weaker. My baby..It started to kick violently, screaming for oxygen, but I couldn't help the baby. I closed my eyes, and let out my last, sharp breath..


I woke up in a different land, it looked like paradise. I was on the garden of Elysium, and I realised I was dead, yet I was still pregnant with the baby. The soul of the baby was still unified with the body, but I was not. I looked up, and saw a myriad of pomegranate trees. A gentle breeze of wind left with a trail of the scent of the sweet, juicy pomegranates passed by. I suddenly forgot my mission. What was it again? It didn't seem to matter anymore. Just that this view was spectacular. I sat on the soft grass, my eyes fixed on the horizon of the field, the fiery ball of fire rising, and many souls passing by. The sky was dyed with tangerine orange, and blending with hues of pastel pink. The sunlight shone through the blushing clouds, and kissed my face and small freckles. I felt as if I was at peace, and then it hit me. Eros. Did Aphrodite hit me with amnesia? I could faintly remember his blurry face. His amber eyes that seemed like polished stones was the only vivid memory I had from him. No, his long, passionate kisses is also another thing that I remembered. Aphrodite was the goddess of love, right? Or was it of bitchiness? 

"Hello. What is your name?"

I whipped around, my eyes filled with fear and regrets. It was a soul, of a little girl. She had sea-green eyes, and brunette hair which would blend to blonde, which was tied up into two braids from the roots. Her eyes, reminded me of my sister's. Instead of Miracles's jade green eyes, her was a forest hue of dark green. I tried to pronounce a word, but it came back down my gullet and I choked on it. I couldn't remember my own name.

"I don't now.." 

I started to cry,

"I can't even remember my own name!"

The soul hugged me; she seemed to be about thirteen years old, and she whispered, 

"We'll fix that." 

"How do you know? Do you remember yours?"

I swallowed tears and mucus. My throat started to burn whenever I did so. The girl nodded,

"My name is Alix. If we can get out of here, and see the god Hades, then maybe we can just fix it."

I shook my head-It was far too suspicious. This Alix girl seemed nice, but usually you don't see a random person walk up to you, willing to help. 

"No. This is too easy. This feels wrong. Why do you even want to help me, huh?"

I snapped. Maybe I shouldn't have appeared to act so rude, since I just barely met her. The girl rolled her eyes, and retorted, 

"I'll explain what I want in return, if you just help me. It's nothing that will cost you much. It's just that this place is lovely, but I just got bored of it. So I want to escape, but I can't do it alone. Will you help me, and I will help you."

I thought about it for a moment. She was somehow right, in that one could get bored with the exact same scenery over and over again. Maybe this isn't some sort of trick. And what do I have to lose either way? I'm already dead, and I lost my memory. 


I exhaled. 

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