Second Trial

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   The river spirit then advised me,

"Instead of committing suicide while being pregnant, there are strands of wool at the branches where you can go grab them, instead of directly approach the sheep."

"Hm. That's a good idea, actually. Perfect! Thank you for your amazing advice!"

I thanked the river spirit. The river spirit then approached towards the river, and melted in the water. I observed that next to the herd of sheep were branches, and whisked to the nearest one, with the golden wool intertwined in one of the branches of an oak tree. I yanked it out of the branch, and did the same for the other strands of the wool. I now had four strands of wool. I finished the second trial. Out of the blue, a sheep appeared in front of me. It blew out fire, the flames snarling at me and bit my clothes. I screamed at the pain, and a veil of smoke surrounded my tunic.

"River Spirit! Save me!"

I cried, and I crawled in pain towards the river, every single muscle tense. The river then surrounded me with the green water, and the sheep tried to blow more fire, but the river spirit created a wall of water to protect me. My tunic wasn't on fire anymore, but the side effects of the flames licking my clothes was having burned skin on my left shoulder and legs. I noticed that the creature was now gone, and I was left with the river spirit.

"Thank you..For um..Saving me."

I stuttered. The spirit looked at me, it's green eyes scanning the burn marks.

"Take this,"

The spirit handed me a very deep green seaweed, and wrapped it around my burn marks, and I felt a wave of relief from the pain.


I repeated. The spirit smiled at me, and scurried back towards the river, along with the water. The second trial was over. Time for the third one. I set my gaze towards the sky,

"Hey Aphrodite! I finished my second trial!"

I called. She then proceeded towards me, and saw the seaweed underneath my ripped tunic.

"You received more help."

She accused, pointing a finger at the seaweed,

"That seaweed is a magical healing one that can only be created by a water spirit. I assumed that the river spirit communicated with an ocean nymph to lend it some seaweed,"

She sighed,

"The third trial will be far more difficult."

She warned, and I was now in a dark cavern.

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