Fields of punishment

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      There were many souls screaming, and I saw people being wounded by a sharp whip by a silhouette of a fury. My eyes began to itch, and there was fire in my throat, and my body was begging to extinguish it with water. There was somebody screaming near me, and I couldn't tell whether it was me, or Alix. I heard somebody snap their fingers, and the screaming stopped, but I could still see the souls being tortured. My eyes stopped itching, and the fire extinguished. 

"W-what did you do?"

Alix's voice seemed to tremble. Alix was violently shaking, so I put my arms around her to calm her down. Hades sighed,

"I muted the screaming, so that you two don't panic."

He was the one who snapped his fingers. In a fit of anger, Alix let herself free, and her hands formed two fists. Her arms were behind her torso, and it was as if she were a volcano; then she erupted,

"Why are we here? Didn't you say that you wanted to 'walk and talk'?" Not while we're in the fields of punishment!"

Hades's eyes were glazed with a glassy layer of tears, and when he blinked the tears got caught by the eyelashes. 


Hearing my name made my brain stop functioning,

"There's something that you need to know."

Saliva began building up inside my throat, becoming thicker by the second. Every breath became a gasp, and I fell on my knees; the words that barely left my mouth seemed to be crowded, and some of them were missing.

"Gods. Hades. What. About. Alix."

Another gasp. Alix quickly came to my aid, and made me calm down. My brain started to function again, and the world around me stopped spinning so violently. I looked up at Hades, who was perfectly calm, and he nodded towards Alix. Alix got me up-again, and he led us deeper in the field. We saw a man who was trying to carry a rock up a hill, but the rock would roll back down.

"Is that..."

Alix began to ask, and Hades nodded,

"But that is not the person we're looking for. Or persons, to be precise."

I began to wonder who were these people. Maybe it would help me with my memory loss. As we walked for an hour, it seemed as if we were at the end of the field. I saw two girls who looked like me; same hair, blunt chin, but they were slightly taller. Then, a flashback hit me, Miracle and Dawn. I began to panic again,

"...They died? How? When? Where-"

I coughed, and felt dizzy. I planted my feet on the ground and regained my balance, but I started to cry again, the tears making my tunic slightly darker.

"Harpies. You know how they are. One moment, they lift you up, and the next-they let go of you. That's life."

Hades replied, his tone slightly cold. I screamed, a scream so awful and high pitched that I wondered whether it was really my voice. The two sisters glanced at me, and Dawn yanked one of the whips from a fury, and ran towards me, with the whip in the air. I crossed my arms where the wrists intersected, and with the corner of my eye I could see Alix trying to do her best to protect me. I flinched, expecting a harsh wave of pain, but when I opened my eyes, the scenery changed. 

"Oh my gods...That was close..."

Hades' voice was shaking. He swallowed a scream, and took two shaky breaths before he murmured,

"We-we are back at the fields of Elysium. I'm sorry for causing so much trouble. We should all feel calm after a few seconds."

We were all calming down, until the effects of this heaven took over our negative emotions. I relaxed my tense shoulders, and the knot faded away. Alix walked towards Hades, and gave him a hug. Hades blinked a few tears, despite from being in such a wonderful place. It must have been that only he can decide when to feel what he wanted to feel. Surprisingly, the lord of the underworld embraced her hug, and the image looked like a small innocent child hugging a father. I kept my silence.

"I'm so sorry-"

Alix looked up at him,

"You need to bring us back to life. This is an error in time. Please, everyone's future is in danger. Let me fix this."

He furrowed his eyebrows, confused,

"But, who are you, Alix?"

Alix let go of his hug, and took a few steps back, placing a hand in her pocket, as if she were protecting her watch,

"The less you know, the better. Trust me, everything will go back to normal. But don't worry,"

She winked,

"You'll find out soon."

It all went too fast-this is an error in time, a mistake. I smiled, after such a long time; I'll be able to be happy. Hades nodded, and he snapped his fingers again.


This time we were in some are with a field of grass. I had a body again, but I still looked broken. I felt broken. I glanced at Alix, she tapped the watch, and it glistened in the sunlight,

"Time portal!"

A beam of light shot out from it, creating a portal. She stood infront of it, and turned towards me, gesturing that I needed to enter it. 

"Before you do that, you need to close your eyes. No peaking,"

Before my curiosity would ask why, she explained,

"You aren't allowed to know what happens in the future. It's too dangerous. I'll walk you to the time before you find out who Eros is-you'll forget how he looked like, but don't worry, things Will be just fine between you two. Unless, if you want to stay here, and finish the trials."

I didn't even think about it. I knew what was right. I had to go back in time, I can't pick the second option, It wouldn't be love if I didn't have faith on my Eros.

"I'll close my eyes. I'll do the right thing, even if I forget everyting, including you. I hope we meet again, Alix. Just let me keep the memory of doing the right thing."

I closed my eyes shut, and she took my hand, drawing me towards what I felt was the portal, her last words to me were,


I felt her hand letting go of mine.

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