Better off Dead

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When you fly, you feel butterflies in your bottom abdomen, and you feel excited yet scared. The emotions aren't conflicting, though. Not every negative emotion is against a positive one. To me, when I fly, I was at peace as I ascended to the heavens, seeing the point of view that only birds could see. That feeling was like you were something powerful, not afraid of the sudden fall that could potentially kill you. As I slowly descended, I was now in a river, and next to it was a herd of golden sheep.

"Your next trial is you having to collect the wool of the sheep, but hearken; the sheep can kill you."

Aphrodite warned. She then saw my confused face, and walked up towards a sheep and then, the sheep blew fire at her, but of course she didn't get hurt. My mouth then formed a small circle,


I murmured. She then looked at me, and said,

"Well..Good luck."

And she disappeared to watch me suffer. Again. I puffed out my cheeks, this is so unfair. At least give me a weapon, dammit. I walked towards the river, hearing it's soft murmur. The river was green; darker in the shade, and lighter as it got closer to the light, but it was still green. I could see tiny pebbles shining like gemstones in the sunlight, and grabbed one. I tossed it across the river, and the pebble ran across the water, jumping as it formed ripples. I then cupped my hands and grabbed the water, seeing my own reflection like in the mirror at the palace. I drank it, the water cold. I couldn't do this trial. I'll never see Eros again. Aphrodite is going to get me killed, so why not just die? I stroked my belly,


I whispered to the baby. I then jumped towards the river. That's it. I'm drowning myself. I thought to myself. I can't fight the urge to die. I deserved it anyways. The water filled my lungs, and my adrenaline tried to bring me towards the sun speckled surface. No, I'm dying. My hair rose like seaweed, rippling in the currents. I can no longer hold my breath in the cold water, and soon the oxygen deprivation and hypothermia take over my body. My head is pounding, every cell in my body screaming for oxygen. As soon as I almost lose consciousness, I felt a force around my waist pull me towards the surface, and I gasped for air as I was placed on the ground. My vision was trying to focus on the blurry creature, and then I was able to make out a creature: a river spirit.

"Um. Hi."

It waved a ghostly flipper, and I struggled to breathe in air. Then the river spirit placed his hand near my mouth, and all the water that used to be in my lungs gushed out of my mouth, and I was able to properly breathe again.

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