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      Something in the way Alix looked made me think that she wan't from this age. She had a weird white tunic that stopped at her waist, and extra cloth woven in her stomach, which was probably holding an item. Below her waist, she had this dark indigo that would wrap around her legs. I couldn't maintain my curiosity, just like the way you can't maintain a cracked bowl of water. It will eventually spill all the water. I had to ask, 

"Uh, Alix? I don't want to sound rude, but from what age are you from?"

She laughed, as if what I just said was funny to her. We then stopped walking, and she looked around to see if anybody was hearing. 

"I'm from the future, the year 2016 A.C."

I probably had a confused look on my face, due to the fact that Alix was grinning weirdly,

"A.C? Future? How in the name of Aphrodite is that even true, if it's impossible to travel to the past?"

Her smile began to slowly fade, her thick eyebrows facing downwards. I looked at the side of her torso, and saw her making a fist, her clench so strong that if we were alive, blood would've come out from her long nails. 

"First of all, how do you know that myth?"

Her sharp green eyes seemed to stare down at me, and all of a sudden I felt smaller than I really am. 

Snap out of it. 

I told myself,

She's just a thirteen year old. Or was..

"I don't know. It just sounds illogical to me. Going to the past to change the future? Sounds too dangerous for the gods to allow it.."

"Well it's not impossible."

She snapped, and I kept my mouth shut tight. She sighed deeply, and a moment passed. It was just silent. I usually like the silence, but this time it seemed to be tangible, as if it were slowly taking over me. 

"Have you ever heard of the titan Kronos?"

She asked. I remembered in many stories that I read as a smaller child at the castle. How he was a titan of time, who was destroyed by his son Zeus. Did Kronos get another daughter? Was she a goddess? I was in shock,

"You're a goddess?"

I asked, the water in the bowl seemed to somehow over flood it. 

"Titanness. Or to be more precise, demi-titanness. Kronos fell in love with a mortal, who seemed to be roman, and uh,"

She made a funny gesture with her hand, pretending that she was pregnant. I giggled.

"By the way,"

She added, her eyes lighting up,

"What I'm wearing is called a shirt, with a pair of jeans."

She then pointed the extra fabric, and said,

"And this is called a pocket. They weren't invented until the sixteenth century."

I got flustered-she probably knew that I was staring at her. She then put her hand inside the pocket, holding an item. She changed her expression, and her tone was serious,

"Can I trust you?"

I thought about it for a moment. My memory loss couldn't stay forever, and I needed to get out of here. I had to keep this promise. I slowly nodded,


She said, then she showed me a circular shaped crystal. It was transparent, and many rainbow colours shone when it was hit by the sunlight. She tapped on the side of it, and opened it. There were twelve roman numerals on it, and two sticks that were slightly still, with a third one that was constantly moving every second. I smiled, and questioned,

"It's gorgeous! But what is it?"

"It's called a clock. Created in the seventeenth century. It's used for telling the time, but this one's a bit different."

She closed the clock, put it forward, and then she yelled,

"Blend in! 300 BC!"

All of the sudden her clothes changed, her white shirt began to grow  until it reached her feet, and it turned into a white tunic, her jeans gone. Alix looked at herself, and said,

"It's comfortable. I needed to blend in so..."

I accidentally interrupted her-I couldn't hold my exitement,

"That's so cool! How does it work? Did you just go back in time, or did you just appear to be from this time? I have so many questions I might just-"

"Woah, calm down girly,"

She laughed. 

"I'll explain everything," I then noticed that she had a different pocket at her sides, something that you wouldn't usually see in regular greek tunics. She quickly put her clock on one of her pockets, and she explained,

"With demi-titans, you are given an item, that can be used to give you your powers, unlike demigods. Demigods are born with their powers. We aren't. A curse that Zeus gave us. Luckily Hephaestus was able to help us. Now, this clock is what he came up with. He also created jewerly that would contain the powers."

"Wow. That seems so cool. Could we maybe use the clock to travel through time and fix this? You know, my amnesia and your death."

She sadly shook her head,

"Traveling through time is something very dangerous, and cheating death is even more. We have  to see Hades, remember your name, and if we get his permission, then we can fix this, and I'll be able to go back to my century."

"Sounds fair." 

I replied. She led me towards the end of the garden of Elysium, and there were some marble staircases, which seemed very similar to me. 

"This is it," She started to do a little workout, "Embrace yourself. The underworld is a tough place to be in. We might face a few monsters and angry gods and shit. You ready?"

I nodded again, and we climbed the stairs. 

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