Living In Elysium

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      Streaks of sunlight warmed my body as I awoke to soft sheets, the morning light trickling in through a window. I burried my face on the covers, and I fell asleep again, before letting myself see the sun rise. Sleep was my escape from reality-a way to cope with problems and relieve stress. This time, sleep was enjoying the palace, almost living in Elysium. Then I was welcomed to the world of dreams, and became oblivious to the physical world. I saw my sister Dawn, her dark violet eyes with a shade of blue around the edges smiling at me, and she wrapped her arms around me, pulling towards her and I embraced her warm skin, "I'm so happy that you have a boyfriend now!" She whispered in my ear, and suddenly everything around me became a blur. Three hours passed, and I debated with myself whether I should wake up or not. 

The oracle said that my boyfriend was the divine being in this palace. That meant that I am finally taken for once in my lonely life. I felt my face red, and every part of me suddenly woke up, my restless body began to regain its energy. Then, there was a bowl; handmade, everything was symmetrical, with paintings of doves. Hand painted and fired, I never knew that something so simple such as pottery can be so amazing. The bowl was full of small strawberries that were rich in colour, and it was floating in the air. 

"Good morning, your highness." Said an invisible servant, handing me the bowl, "Your love wants you to eat breakfast." I could hear a slight tone of sarcasm, but I was concentrating on the "Your love" part, hence ignoring it. When I felt that his presence was gone, I chewed the strawberries; the juice enveloping my mouth and it tasted sweet yet sour, and It was simply delicious. I stood up from my bed, exploring around the room-I assumed that my boyfriend carried me to this room and put me in bed. There was a desk with drawers made of quarts, full of    

tunics and dresses many Greeks would die for, and there was even a purple dress folded in it! Many Greek kings would search all around Greece to find that rich purple colour, and here it was-I unfolded It, and I put it on. It was an off the shoulder dress, the silk changing in different shades of purple in the light, and the fabric was almost sweeping the floor. I wrapped the violet shawl around my shoulders, and looked in the mirror. The dress framed my thin body, and the shawl hanged over my waist. My blue eyes looked darker with the dress, and I realised that I was slightly tan after the bath when I first visited my boyfriend's palace. I put my hair sideways over my right shoulder, weaving a french braid with my brown locks. 

I then recalled how Miracle would brush my hair every night, and sparks of flames would pop up as if the brush was igniting my hair. I wondered how my sisters were doing. Could they have possibly been worried that I'm dating a monster? Or happy for me that I finally found love? I thought about It for a moment. They care about me, they should obviously be happy for me. I should visit them soon. I put on a pair of sandals I found on the bottom drawer and put them on, so that I won't have to feel the cold marble under my feet.  I skimmed through the hallways unnoticed, exploring around the castle. I decided to go outside, passed the dining room and the entrance, and I was outside; the breeze tugging on my braid. 

While walking down the staircases, I saw a path. Grey stones spilled on the grass leading towards an ivy-covered stone wall with a polish wooden door. The wall was as grey as a stormy cloud on a rainy day. I ran my hands over the door; it felt smooth and damp. I opened it, and I swear to the Gods that I saw Elysium on Earth. 

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