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"Tell me about yourself."

Said Eros in a casual tone, as he and I walked around the garden, admiring the view,

"Well, I am sixteen years old; I have two older sisters. I also have a goddess as an enemy."

"A goddess? Who?"

He sounded very curious yet slightly nervous,

"You see, as I would walk by the villages, both men and women would would try to feel my skin as I passed by," I felt a shiver going down my spine-In my opinion it was rather creepy that they would reach out towards me to touch my hand,

"They truly admired my beauty, and would worship me instead of her."

I guess that it was in her nature. Still, I felt a knot in my throat; a knot that was getting tighter by the minute. Mostly because a goddess despised me, but also due to the fact that I was far from beautiful. I will never understand why they would worship a mere mortal like me.

"Ah, Aphrodite, I assume."

I was shocked, my eyes wide; how did he know that it was Aphrodite? He was just a mortal, right? I didn't recall telling him at any moment about Aphrodite hating me, so I didn't know how he knew that.

"I have read many books about her, so I simply guessed that it was her, due to her personality."

He probably saw the shock in my eyes, but I had a strong feeling that he wasn't saying the truth. I led it slide, at least for now. Talking about her made me feel extremely uncomfortable, so I decided to change the subject,

"May I invite my sisters one day?"

Eros went quiet for a while, an awkward silence filling the entire garden. I wondered If I somehow hurt him.


My voice cracked. He then broke the silence, the same way somebody throws a bottle on wine in a million pieces,

"Psyche, love, I'm not too sure that's a good idea-"

"Why not?" I accidentally interrupted him, my head tilted to the right.

"I simply don't trust them."

I felt a wave of wrath going through my body,

"Why the fuck don't you trust them? Did they ever do anything to you before?" I yelled. I heard him sigh,

"You can invite them. What you can not do is obey their orders."

I wanted to argue, but then I assumed that Eros met them before, and that It didn't go too well. I pouted,


He kissed me again and said under his breath,

"You look beautiful, even when you are mad. Whenever you get mad I can simply kiss you."

I blushed, and he kissed me again.

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